Doing chest three time a week good or bad?

So when I started lifting I said I wanted my chest to be the best part of my body. Well I had been doing chest two time a week usually Monday and Thursday. But I want to start doing it 3 times a week my chest is okay not where I'd like it to be though.

I'm 5 ft 2 110 male ectomorph.

But is it bad to work chest 3 times a week?

Here my new workout schedule starting Monday->

Monday Chest

Tuesday Shoulders and arms

Wednesday chest

Thursday back

Friday legs

Saturday chest.

Would there be any negative side affects about training it three time a week?

Thanks currently bulking


  • jpierc
    jpierc Posts: 31 Member
    You need to work back as much as chest. Otherwise, you risk a severe muscle imbalance that could cause some injury maybe, but it'll definitely leave you looking unbalanced.

    Why work chest so much? Is there a reason, or is it just a work-out you really enjoy?

    I'm not trying to create any hostility. I'm just curious why you're working a vanity muscle so much?
  • Musclefreak145
    I just want a large pecs but also want a strong back.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You'd be better off with a full body routine. A split routine is completely unnecessary unless you've been lifting for around a decade or so. And balance is required. Just working one muscle and ignoring the rest will lead to you looking ridiculous. Huge chest, tiny arms, tiny back, tiny legs, you'll look like a cartoon character.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Nothing wrong with working chest 3 x a week per se - however, your split is really unbalanced. Do you do pulling work?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    General Rant: Yet another post where someone wants to have us evaluate his/her routine, but instead of a routine they only list body parts and days of the week. Someone make a sticky that shows what info needs to be included if you want someone to provide specific advice.

    For the OP: Good or Bad can only be determined by the details. Saying that you do Chest on MWF doesn't give us anything to make a judgment. Allow me to illustrate:

    Routine A: Monday you do 4 sets of incline bench. Weds you do 3 sets of plyo pushups. Friday you do 4 sets of dips. This isn't something I would do but if you asked me if it was okay I'd say that it was perfectly fine.

    Routine B: Monday is 4 sets of flat bench, 4 sets of incline bench, 4 sets of dips. Wednesday is 5 sets each of DB decline bench, DB incline crush presses, cable incline flyes, and pushups. Friday is 4 sets each of around the worlds supersetted with DB bench, followed by cable decline flyes supersetted with pushups. Also not a routine I would do but if you asked me about it....


    See the difference? Calorie surplus or deficit also matters, as does the routine for the rest of the muscle groups. If you did routine A but told me that you were deadlifting and squatting 5 sets of 3 rep maxes every day I'd still be skeptical, even though the chest part was fine.

    Details. Provide details.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I had a buddy, would hit it 4 times a week. his bench went up 170lbs in 5 months. so not necassarily
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Train as you like. Just ensure you PROGRESS with your lifts and get rest between.
  • mpizzle421
    mpizzle421 Posts: 80 Member
    You'd be better off with a full body routine. A split routine is completely unnecessary unless you've been lifting for around a decade or so. And balance is required. Just working one muscle and ignoring the rest will lead to you looking ridiculous. Huge chest, tiny arms, tiny back, tiny legs, you'll look like a cartoon character.

    Agree that he would probably be better off with a split routine than the one he proposed - strongly disagree that a spit is unnecessary prior to a decade. I personally am prone to injury when I do full body 3x a week. I just need the recovery time. We're all different.

    To the OP. My suggestion - either:

    1. Work with a good trainer and allow him to suggest a quality routine based on your personal goals.

    2. If this isn't an option, work with a routine put together by someone who knows what they're doing. (Check out - great resource). You'll be much farther ahead that way.

    As to your question about having a chest day 3 times per weak - even if it weren't "bad" (over training, muscle imbalance), it's unnecessary and inefficient.