
Hi! Before I say anything, I just joined myfitnesspal. I have never been diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia, but I am showing behavior of it. For the past month, I have been living on 900 calories. I had an apple for breakfast, a low calorie tv dinner for dinner, and just snacked on "healthy" snacks the rest of the day. Although this did get me down to the weight I wanted to be (110 pounds) I gained it right back when I started eating normally again. Today, after crying for hours in front of my mom because i ate so much today and resulting to chocolate to make me feel better (bad, i know) I decided why should I be anxious or something that I can easily control with a bit of exercise. So here i am, seeking motivation (since I cant do it myself) and tips! I feel like its time for an intervention.

No more excuses, its time to suck it up and exercise. I have all the time in the world to go to the gym. Heres my backstory if anyone is interested:

2 years ago, I was 160 pounds. I lost all of it (Without exercise, resulting in my flabby, untoned body) but alas i lost it all. In the end I was 114, but then I started public school ( i was homeschooled before ) and a job, and i started eating badly again (not badly, just not paying attention) and i gained 4 pounds..

Anyway! Here we are. I feel really depressed, i dont do anything because im homeschooled and i dont have my job anymore.. I literally lay in bed all day and just eat as little calories as possible (900 most of the time). I just decided why should I be worrying and laying in bed feeling sorry for myself when i can start going to the gym and getting out and maybe even meeting new people?


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    Glad to hear you are excited about exercise!

    Exercising will improve your cardiovascular health and muscular strength. Weight is just one factor in overall health. Remember that exercise takes energy and you will need to eat enough to have energy to support your exercise.

    Try focusing on specific exercise goals (such as running a certain distance or lifting a certain amount of weight) so that you will not be overly concerned with the scale alone.

    Don't worry about the chocolate. We all deserve a treat on occasion. I love chocolate as well! Focus on your long term goals and realize that any one specific day will mean very little in the grand scheme of things. Stay positive and your path to a happy and healthy lifestyle will come
  • Thank you :)
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you're homeschooled, how old are you? the calorie goals on this site are not suitable for adolescents because they don't include the extra calories you need because you're still growing (note: growth isn't just about getting taller, even after you finish getting taller you still grow to some extent). And 900 calories a day is not enough for an adult. Adolescents typically need to eat more than adults. So if you carry on with that low level of calories you risk damaging your development. If you're older than around 17/18 then ignore this, but do make sure you're eating enough, i.e. eat all your MFP calories plus your exercise calories, this is how much you need to eat as an adult.

    Exercising is a good idea, but you need to ensure you eat enough to support the exercise you're doing, otherwise it's just another form of starvation. If you can't manage to stop self-destructive eating patterns alone, then see your doctor and go from there. There is help out there.

    If you'd rather be at school than homeschooled, maybe discuss it with your parents. Homeschooling isn't supposed to be a lonely existence, if your parents choose to homeschool it's their responsibility to ensure you get plenty of opportunities to socialise and also trips and activities outside the house so you're not just sitting alone at home all day.
  • Welcome and feel free to add me
  • Sorry I didnt mention my age, I am 18.