Workout routine query for non-gym goers

Question - Is it effective to carve out an hour or 90 min for workout in a day or to do small bursts of exercise (say 5-10 min) every waking hour ?????


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I guess it depends on what you're trying to achieve and how much time you have.
    For me, I run mostly. Then i also do some cross training too. There's nothing i do that would fit into multiple 5-10 min blocks throughout the day. Also, i get horribly sweaty very fast- i'd be forever in the shower.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Question - Is it effective to carve out an hour or 90 min for workout in a day or to do small bursts of exercise (say 5-10 min) every waking hour ?????

    Effective in what way? To lose weight? To gain muscle?

    Earlier this year I started to walk to work instead of taking my car (1/2 mile both ways). I live near all the basic stores, so I walk there too, unless I have something really heavy to buy. I just walk at a normal pace, no power walking or intense bursts. I often hike on the weekend, too. I've lost about 50 pounds this year (some of it before I joined MFP in April).

    I love walking outside. I know I will stick with it because I enjoy it. I've tried to do workout videos and either don't have the discipline or get bored.

    editing this to add you could do calisthenics every hour, some push ups and squats, that kind of thing.
  • leehudson1
    leehudson1 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't remember where I read it so I can't point you there but I do remember it being a reliable source I would be happy to quote in a paper. I spent ages looking around at this very sort of thing and came across a study that had results that suggested between 30 and 60 minutes of intense exersize a day was optimal however the intensity and time was dependent on the goal for fitness 30 minutes of very high intensity exersize was good and for fat loss 60 minutes not quite so high intensity exersize was good. Have to say that their idea of high intensity was extreme, I mean totally nuts extreme! It also found that the rest period was also important 4,5 and 6 workout days before a day off all had benefits I don't remember much about what they were and also the 23 hours a day you aren't working out should be considered recovery periods and overwork avoided. If I remember any of the search terms I used that lead me in the direction of it I'll post them but it was personal interest so I didn't keep any of my notes sorry.

    Important point though there were many studies I found some had other ideas of what's best, but I remember for some reason, most likely the publishers credentials or something like that I found this to be the one I put most weight behind.

    Edited to point out that I tend to do just what makes me feel good some days I'll put in a workout and know that I want more at the end so hit another, if the first had been resistance training I'll do a some circuit training or cardio, listen to your body it will tell you when you've had enough.
  • Abhishek1984
    Thank you , actually met with an accident a month back, so i have a broken femur , my movements a bit restricted , am on a wheelchair, i cant walk for a while , I exercise in long stretches but now that's a bit impossible , so what i do now is use wrist and ankle weights and do upper body exercises , for legs am allowed to do extensions only goal is to keep my weight constant and also workout major muscle groups of the body.. Thank you Hollis and Lee for your views