Ever felt that you fatloss isn't long-term?

Is there anyone who has ever felt like one day when, say, you've eaten really good and worked out and all that, and felt like the strongest person in the world, like you're really seeing a noticeable change in your body but the next day you're eating for example a bigger breakfast (still healthy and within your calorierange though) and you just feel your stomach get bigger and then it feels like you're back at square one? I don't know how to really explain this feeling, but it's terrible. It's feels like the fat isn't really going anywhere, it just "hides" some days when really it's there all along, never going away. It sounds so stupid but I just cannot push this feeling away sometimes. Anyone who has felt the same?


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    You'll have some days of water retention, which can add 5-8lbs, especially if you've had a high sodium day/week. Make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated.

    If you're noticing you've become bloated after eating wheat or dairy products, or products containing artificial sweetners/additives, you may be sensitive to it.

    You'll likely fluctuate a few pounds here and there. Make measurements and weigh yourself on a set day of the week and a set time. You'll get a more acurate idea of your losses.
  • snufs
    snufs Posts: 78
    Thanks for your response! I've never even thought of the fact that I could be sensitive to some of the food I'm eating. I don't think I am though, it's more the feeling that I'm never actually losing fat, just that some days it hides and then after I eat it always comes back. It sounds so silly, but I really don't know what to do about it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    It takes around 3500 extra calories to add a pound of fat. Unless you are consistently eating way over your daily limits, your weight fluctuations are just like everyone else's. They are due to water shifts, usually. Do some research. Water shifts are affected by sleep, stress, exercise, electrolyte balance, hormones. Could be anything. I don't track my "up" weight, only the first time I hit a lower number. Then I know it will move around quite a bit until the next lowest number.
  • mlourk210
    The answers you've already received are excellent. However, I interpreted your original query differently. It seemed to me you were asking for emotional support and that is the way I will answer. Yes, indeed; I very much and frequently have exactly the same feeling about the fat in my body. On some of the good days, my belly feels firmer; my arms and legs look slimmer and so, especially, does my face. I'm sure I am smiling more when I look in the mirror. Somehow (and I'm sure it's mostly psychological), I am more energetic and I get more things accomplished as the day goes on.

    And it could be the very next day I wake up; I'm sluggish getting out of bed; I feel like a weigh a ton; the belly is saggy and the arms are flapping, and my face looks puffy. And I think, "What happened?!!?" I'm afraid to get on the scale and when I do the weight is up a pound or two from the previous day. I drag through the day without enthusiasm.

    The problem I can add to yours and would like some comments about is: Is it normal to allow these FOOD/WEIGHT/BODY APPEARANCE concerns to so govern our lives? On a positive note, mfp conversations DO help. (And I am losing---slowly!).
  • snufs
    snufs Posts: 78
    Yes, you're spot on! I know exactly what you're talking about, 'cause that's just the way I feel. And, as you ask, I have no idea how normal it is that your concerns sort of rule your life. It sometimes feels like I don't have anything else in my head than thinking about what to eat, how I'm looking atm etc. I don't think that is really good. I think you have to find a good way to balance your thoughts and actions so you can actually have a life while trying to get closer to your goal. It's hard though, I'm constantly battling with this.

    Anyone who feels like they might have something encouraging to add to this?