Answer Me This

These are today's numbers.......
Goal 1300
Food +1033
Exercise -2097
Net -1874

How much did I actually burn?

My TDEE is 4101? Not sure what to do with that either.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    if your TDEE is 4101 then you should be eating closer to 3100 to safely 2 pounds a week.

    and what you "burned" is you TDEE ot total daily energy expenditure. that's the amount of energy your body needed to get it through whatever you did that day, including blinking breathing, digesting, posting on the internet AND exercise. you dont just burn calories during exercise, you mainly burn them by being alive
  • if your TDEE is 4101 then you should be eating closer to 3100 to safely 2 pounds a week.

    and what you "burned" is you TDEE ot total daily energy expenditure. that's the amount of energy your body needed to get it through whatever you did that day, including blinking breathing, digesting, posting on the internet AND exercise. you dont just burn calories during exercise, you mainly burn them by being alive
    so I slowing the process down by staying under 1300 calories?
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Your numbers seem way off. What is your height/weight? How did you arrive at 4,101 TDEE?

    Edited, sorry - H/W is in your profile. So your BMR is about 2,200-2,300 calories per day. Do you have a physically demanding job?
  • Your numbers seem way off. What is your height/weight? How did you arrive at 4,101 TDEE?

    Edited, sorry - H/W is in your profile. So your BMR is about 2,200-2,300 calories per day. Do you have a physically demanding job?
    I am an at home dad. I do not work. The only exercise I get is my walks. I walk an average of 4 miles a day 6 days a week.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Just using a few online calculators, your TDEE is about 2,800 calories per day as a sedentary person. To lose 2 lbs a week you would need to eat 1,800 calories on days with no extra exercise (cooking, cleaning, shopping are not really exercise in my book - others will argue but either way keep in mind that the calorie counts for those activities are grossly inflated on this site).

    Walking 4 miles a day in 90 minutes (per your diary) means you're walking at a speed of 2.5 to 3 mph, so at your weight of 278 that burns about 600 calories. You would eat those calories back on days that you walk, for a total intake of 2,400 calories.

    Inflated exercise calories or not, you're definitely not eating enough if you're aiming for 1,300 calories a day. Try eating 1,800 on non-exercise days and 2,400 on exercise days and see how that works.