Discouraged yet determined

Went to the doctor this week, tipped the scale at 150, which I'm sure is slightly off because my scale at home is accurate and I'm 142, either way it's not good in my mind because it means I've gained 10lbs in about 3 months. I know I don't have a lot to lose but my goal weight is 125 so to me 17lbs is a lot. Both sides of my family suffer from obesity. At my mothers highest she weighed over 300lbs and was only 5' tall. I saw how it really depressed her so my goal is to not be like her and be active and healthy and enjoy life. Luckily I have something she didn't have, a loving and supportive husband.

So, once again I'm looking back at what I've been doing differently to see what needs to be changed, seems to be neverending. I also looked into Zumba and ordered some DVD's today because I really love to dance but can't afford a class or the gym. I'm hoping this will add some variation to my workouts at home.

I'm really glad that sites like MFP exist so I can read other's struggles and successes, then I know I'm not alone.


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes, don't be discouraged It is encouraging that you want to live a long healthy life and you are willing to do what it takes to get there. Take this day by day and you will win the race. Zumba videos are fun and burn lots of calories. If you love to dance, go for it! I wish you well!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    If you have cable, check out the On Demand section under exercise and there are a ton of workouts for free - dance, jillian michaels, jackie warner etc. You can also check out exercise dvds from the library.

    Make exercise a priority and part of your daily routine -- it is not negotiable -- exercise first and do whatever else later. Count and log your calories/meals. Watch your sodium intake and drink lots of water. Sign on here for motivation, support, and check out the success stories.
  • goalsaregood
    goalsaregood Posts: 13 Member
    I can empathize--I'm a 5'11" woman, with therefore fairly substantial body mass, and my weight fluctuates a LOT in short periods of time. It doesn't seem to accurately track my activity and eating. For instance, it's not unusual to be up or down 5-10 pounds, or to gain several pounds as I up my exercise (muscle weighs more!). Also, the scale at the gym always seems several pounds different than the one at home. It makes it challenging to track progress! But I have found it helpful to weigh myself at the same time of day every time--usually first thing in the morning. Just wanted to voice my support because I've been their with the different numbers seeming to come from nowhere!
  • mandilh07
    Thank you all for the kind words, it is so good to know that I'm not the only one out there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!