Using Excel to Measure Your Status

If you have a copy of Microsoft Excel, this video shows you step by step how to set a goal, and then have it calculate how much you should weigh on each day so you can see if you are ahead or behind your goal. You can see the video on youtube

Dear Moderator. The video I'm directing them to has me mention my website which is just my blog/podcast. The goal of the video is to share a tool I'm using to keep me motivated. Please let me know if this breaks the guidelines.

I read the sticky posts, and I'm not sending them to a site where I make money. Its a weight loss journey. My apologies if this is out of bounds.


  • Cammy_girl
    Cammy_girl Posts: 115 Member
    Great idea! I just did it and it shows that I am .9 kg ahead already, after 3 weeks. Good motivation, and a way to break it down to more achievable goals.
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    Excel 101 basically? I have some pretty intricate spreadsheets to not only track weight but to several other measurements (inches, calories, exercise minutes, hr, macros. I'm low key obsessed with them but that's for another post.

    I'm way more interested in the weight loss betting website, have you used that before this current round?