Any suggestions for diets to help with high BP and high HR?

I was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and an abnormally high heart rate. They gave me a beta blocker to lower it but I'm hoping I don't have to be on meds the rest of my life (I'm only 23)
This does run in my family, most of my mothers side of the family had the same problem in their twenties to early thirties. Even the fittest among them.

I was wondering if there are any foods or types of diets that can help along with exercise so that I can maintain a healthy heart rate and BP when I reach my weight goal. The doctor I see said that losing weight will help but also said it may not fix the problem as it is a common ailment in my family, but he said it would not hurt to lose weight. I'm about 50 pounds over weight.

Any help would be appreciate, foods I should avoid? foods I should eat more of? Good exercises?


  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Please talk to a professional dietician, who has worked in a medical setting. You are dealing with serious health issues. You deserve the care and concern that an experienced professional can offer you.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Eat lots of veggies .. and fruits are ok too. Stay away from the processed crap food you find at the grocery store. I imagine you probably have a reasonable idea what foods are good and bad for you.

    In that you are 50 lbs overweight .. getting some exercise will not hurt. Getting fit and healthy is never a bad thing. It is all about losing that body fat as that will have major health implications, even at your age.

    Good luck.
  • i have an appointment to see a nutritionist but as I live in a somewhat small town its hard to get in to one that takes my insurance so I can't see her for a couple of months. I was just trying to find things I could start doing now from people who've been in a similar situation. But thank you I absolutely agree this is important and I absolutely need to see a professional nutritionist.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    i have an appointment to see a nutritionist but as I live in a somewhat small town its hard to get in to one that takes my insurance so I can't see her for a couple of months. I was just trying to find things I could start doing now from people who've been in a similar situation. But thank you I absolutely agree this is important and I absolutely need to see a professional nutritionist.

    Glad to hear you are putting yourself first. Until you can see a professional to get a comprehensive meal plan, would you be able to get recommendations on potassium and sodium intake from your primary care doctor or cardiologist? Sodium and potassium electrolytes have some of the more profound effects on regulating your heartbeat and blood pressure, so I would be inclined to start there.
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    As above, sodium and potassium are required for nervous contractions etc so the effects on regulation of HR is huge...exercise will bring the HR down and may even regulate it a bit. Start with walking and build it up. I've been where you are so I know what you are going through. Take a vitamin supplement if needed, as long as its cleared professionally...
  • He didn't mention those at all, I'll have to call him and ask him. he did tell me to get vitamin D3 and B12 sub-lingual tablets which I went straight to the store and bought. I've never heard much about vitamins for this condition, I work in the medical field so its quite embarrassing that I have no idea about any of this but I work for a fertility specialist and urologist so my knowledge is really only in that field.

    I'm quite terrified, I have a follow up with him to check my status but I'm not sure if he was just trying to scare me or what but he mentioned that if I don't get this under control I can have a heart attack at a young age.
  • I'm so shocked about this as many doctors have told me that my heart rate and blood pressure had to do with my gastroesophageal reflux disease that I've had since I was born but I've had that under control for years with a single pill I take daily and avoiding anything acidic. they assured me over and over again I was fine and I was just over thinking it but this doctor has been the only one competent enough to see I've gotten worse even after completely getting that under control.

    Ps. I'm obviously broken, so many medical issues :laugh: damn my genes.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Until you see dietitian try to keep sodium to under 1500 mg and stay away from all canned and processed food.Read labels about sodium content and watch MFP macros. Best of health .
  • Rhumax67
    Rhumax67 Posts: 162 Member
    Google DASH diet. This diet is not really a weight loss diet its for high blood pressure.