Just posted this on my wall:

Yesterday was my birthday, and one thing about turning 22 I realized I'm too young to be making so many damn excuses. I found myself complaining about my workload, failing two classes because I chose to register for five classes when I already work 50hr weeks. I overwork myself and then complain when I fail or things don't go my way. Like weightloss, I should have been at my goal weight by now!! It was literally the same time last year when I started and I just lose sight of it and once again hit a plateau! So disappointed in myself! So now that I'm 22 this year I will cut the bull****, cut the crap, cut the fat, cut the excuses, cut the complaints, and get my shizz together!!! Now that fall semester is over I am really sticking to it, even if I have to drag myself out of bed at 4am, the time is now!!! GET IT TOGETHER AMANDA. Lol I'm venting on my page so I can really read this everyday! Who else has been struggling? We can do it!!!! I didn't lose 25lbs to freaking gain it back when I still have 73lbs to go!!!! Ugh I'm so pissed with myself!

(Does anyone else feel like this?)


  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    im right there witcha girl! ive been throught the same struggles too. i had a baby 10 months agio and sadly im weighing the same now as i did when i was pregnant. i too am full of excuses but not anymore. yesterday i started MFP and im tryin to work into my daily routine of keeping track of it all. i wana lose the weight so badly cus its def bringing me down n i cant allow my kids to see me this way.. we can do thiz!!!!
  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    oh and Happy Belated Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    im right there witcha girl! ive been throught the same struggles too. i had a baby 10 months agio and sadly im weighing the same now as i did when i was pregnant. i too am full of excuses but not anymore. yesterday i started MFP and im tryin to work into my daily routine of keeping track of it all. i wana lose the weight so badly cus its def bringing me down n i cant allow my kids to see me this way.. we can do thiz!!!!

    Totally understand!!! I had my daughter almost two years ago and gained 40lbs when pregnant and lost it when she came out, the become a new mom I gain it all back plus an extra 20lbs, I tried losing weight this time last year and successfully lost 28lbs and started slacking, my family didn't even notice the weight loss because I was still bigger then before my daughter. But now I'm going to get it together and push through it and quit procrastinating already. What things are you doing to kick into gear?
  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    well ive been doing a pilates dvd and im gona alternate with some brisk walking which im hoping will turn into jogging. and stickin to the calaries counter. im gettin info on doin some weights to tone but still a lil confused with it.

    How about you?
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    well ive been doing a pilates dvd and im gona alternate with some brisk walking which im hoping will turn into jogging. and stickin to the calaries counter. im gettin info on doin some weights to tone but still a lil confused with it.

    How about you?

    I'm just restarted P90x and watching what I eat. Have you tried 30 day Shred?
  • I hear you both, it's not easy! But - with determination and logging our foods.... staying active, it will come off!
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    Wait until you are 29 and saying the same damn thing over and over and over again! It's hard but we have to make the change....I've been working on that for a few months now, it's not easy but it will be worth it.
  • never let circumstance define who you are! It takes patience and hard work but it pays off... the biggest piece of advice that has helped me "Time heals all" ... give yourself TIME.. don't let little hiccups undo months of hard work... left foot, right foot... one step at a time :)
  • DRJ311
    DRJ311 Posts: 58 Member
    I am on the same page and def feel your pain!!
    I had two kids pretty much back to back and I am the heaviest I have ever been and it is so frustrating! I started Insanity two weeks ago and have been slacking for the last 5 days... Worse is that I am in a wedding in May so I have to get my azz in check!!!
    It's so hard with work and kids to focus on yourself and try to do this, so I thank you for this post, it has given me a little boost to get my shizz together too!!
    Good luck, girl. We can do this!!!!!!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    45 here (as of the 5th).

    It gets more difficult as you get older....more responsibilities....and just getting older.

    Hang in there! I wish that I was as aware of myself back when I was in my 20s as you seem to be. You can do day at a time.
  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    ive been tryin to decide which Jillian Michaels dvd to go with but I see alot of people are happy with the 30 day shred. Perhaps ill give it a try. Cus ive been using an old dvd i bought 5 years ago:huh: :huh: . I also came across the couch to 5k program I think im gona give that a try too.

  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    yes!! i think the calorie counting is great. About 8 years ago i did the slim fast diet and lost 30 lbs and i know for a fact the reason why i did was not the shakes but the calorie counter and food diary on the website that i used everyday. Thats why im so happy i came across MFP

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Wait until you are 29 and saying the same damn thing over and over and over again! It's hard but we have to make the change....I've been working on that for a few months now, it's not easy but it will be worth it.

    lol I lost 25lbs since starting MFP and feel off on working out, today I looked at some pictures from this summer and was like omg! I'm gaining it back!!! I totally need to get back on it and just quit procrastinating lol but your right we need to make the change!!!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    I hear you both, it's not easy! But - with determination and logging our foods.... staying active, it will come off!

    Totally agree with you!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    never let circumstance define who you are! It takes patience and hard work but it pays off... the biggest piece of advice that has helped me "Time heals all" ... give yourself TIME.. don't let little hiccups undo months of hard work... left foot, right foot... one step at a time :)

    Totally agree with you, and it sure as hell takes time to gain all this weight so it sure wont be an overnight change or weightloss, so I am bracing myself for a long process.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    45 here (as of the 5th).

    It gets more difficult as you get older....more responsibilities....and just getting older.

    Hang in there! I wish that I was as aware of myself back when I was in my 20s as you seem to be. You can do day at a time.

    Thank you, and I totally understand. My mom stuggled with weight after my little brother and it took her almost 5yrs to get down to 160. So I could understand and that pretty much why I am doing this now, since I am still young and I have the energy too.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    ive been tryin to decide which Jillian Michaels dvd to go with but I see alot of people are happy with the 30 day shred. Perhaps ill give it a try. Cus ive been using an old dvd i bought 5 years ago:huh: :huh: . I also came across the couch to 5k program I think im gona give that a try too.


    My ultimate goal is to be actually do a 5k, let me know how that dvd goes and I'll give it a try. As for JM30DS yesss girl it works wonders and it is great as a start off program. Check it out!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    yes!! i think the calorie counting is great. About 8 years ago i did the slim fast diet and lost 30 lbs and i know for a fact the reason why i did was not the shakes but the calorie counter and food diary on the website that i used everyday. Thats why im so happy i came across MFP

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh that's great, everyday I find myself saying I'm going to do it and I just don't have the motivation and come up with every excuse lol but today is a new damn day and I'm going to get my life together! lol
  • letzdothiz
    letzdothiz Posts: 41 Member
    yes everyday is a new day and if MFP helps you get it started the right way then run with it girl. Im on here everyday because it helps me stay focused on my goals. Like you said youve done it before you can do it again. We can do whatever we set our mind too :wink:
