Always a gain after hitting a new low on the scale?

I've noticed a re-occuring theme. I'll hit a new low on the scale, and after that I'll be a kilo or more up from that low for a while, with no changes in my diet or exercise.
Why do I not see my weight gradually go down? Why is it always in jumps?


  • jenny3008
    jenny3008 Posts: 97 Member
    Yes so this.
    It's so frustrating I hit a new low get all enthused that all the hard work is paying off and then I'm up a kg or so for ages.

    Getting so fed up when everyone else is losing slowly and steadily where as it would be exaggerating the speed to say my weight loss is crawling down
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    No one is losing steadily!
    Weight loss is not linear and will always happen in jumps!
    If you can't deal with seeing the number on the scales go everywhere (due to to much sodium, new gym routine, tom and all sorts) stop weighing as often...
  • kroonha
    kroonha Posts: 102 Member
    Yes so this.
    It's so frustrating I hit a new low get all enthused that all the hard work is paying off and then I'm up a kg or so for ages.

    Getting so fed up when everyone else is losing slowly and steadily where as it would be exaggerating the speed to say my weight loss is crawling down

    When I first started, I'd see a little drop (0.2kg) every few days. Then it stopped. Now I'm used to seeing myself 1kg heavier than my official weekly weigh-in (they day I record my weight) for a week, maybe with a small decrease.
    It's so frustrating and I just want to understand why without being told about my menstrual cycle or measurements - those two I understand but at this point, not so relevant.
  • I have the exact same thing happening to me every week. I stay on the same weight for 4-5 days (+/- 0.4-0.6 kg) and then i get a low reading only once. Then jump back up again the next couple of day. Then get a new low and it's starts all over. Frustrating I know but I always get a new low, so in time I will get rid of the excess weight. I have time... :)
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    This always happens to me. I just figure it's normal fluctuations.
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I drop a pound or two, then within a couple of days its back and then I drop it then its back its a never ending circle, I have tried everything and nothing works, I eat less don't drop weight, I eat back some exercise calories, don't drop weight, don't eat much, don't drop weight, I seem to be the exception to the rule, I even gained weight on orlistat, prescription diet pills, even the doctors don't understand what is happening, the only way I can lose weight is to eat 500 cals every other day and that ain't healthy.

    At least you are losing weight, it may be slow but at least you are losing...
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Natural daily fluctuations. Go with the trend if as others have said you get stressed about these fluctuations weigh less often.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    That's happens right before my TOM every time. I hit a new low and then wham...water retention... It's my omen that it is coming. Trust me, its way better than cramps.
  • Abi198111
    Abi198111 Posts: 76 Member
    Bear in mind everything you eat has a weight. So if you weigh yourself and then drink a pint of water (remember "a pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter"), you will be over a lb heavier than you were 5 minutes previously. This is true of all food. GROSS FACT ALERT: you can carry up to 3 or 4 lbs of waste inside you at any one time, so this is also bound to account for some fluctuation. Also, for women the time of the month can also play a part as your body retains more water. So don't be discouraged! Your 'low' weight is what you actually weigh, your higher weight is due to any one of a number of factors but does not mean that you have put on a kilo of fat since you last weighed yourself. And a last piece of advice would be not to weigh yourself too often or you will get trapped in a cycle of discouragement... Try to minimize it to once a week or even every two weeks. Better yet, don't worry about your weight at all and just go by how you feel and how your clothes fit.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • amwood89
    amwood89 Posts: 165 Member
    This happens to me a lot too - don't worry about it - it's normal. Our weight fluctuates a lot due to a number of factors. Try focusing on inches lost rather than the number that appears on the scale!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    My body just can't stand to be the new lower weight so it decids to retain water. I can't really complain. It keeps my skin from getting all saggy.
  • jenny3008
    jenny3008 Posts: 97 Member
    I was getting down about this hitting new lows then the weight going back up and coming slowly back down. My weight chart looks like a particularly scary mountain range.

    Took my measurements today... then got my trainer to check them as I was convinced I'd done them wrong.

    I have lost:
    4.4" from my chest
    3.4" from my waist,
    3" from my hips
    2.4" from my thighs

    All since the 25/1/13

    I haven't lost much physical weight but I know I have put on a lot of muscle. I was so pathetically weak before so building muscle was a complete necessity.

    I'm also delighted that despite some rather severe back and joint problems I can now do 110 press-ups in a session alongside kettle bells, squat jumps and the dreaded prowler pushes. 18 months ago I struggled to do 10 from a standing position.

    I know its not a lot but I'm delighted with the progress I've made and its the first real signs of all the pain and hard work starting to pay off so I wanted to share
  • AprilLizbethWire
    AprilLizbethWire Posts: 38 Member
    This happens to me, too! Or it used to. Not so much now that I'm a little further into my weight loss.

    I kept weighing myself every morning, but I started recording every day's weight into MFP. After about 3 weeks or so I felt a lot better about the jumps following the all time lows, because the all time lows were steadily getting lower. Plus because I put my weight into MFP every day, I could go to the reports tab and see the graph line for my weight steadily going down. That was so encouraging. I used to feel bad on my days I had jumped up - like bloated and fat. But now I feel great even if I'm up a pound more than the day before. I know it's just temporary and in a couple days I'll be hitting another all time low.

    Hopefully this helps you!