Getting Started

Hi, I'm Jude and I'm getting started with My Fitness Pal. It is the first time I've done anything online but I'm looking forward to it. Today was a great example of a few things. I realized I won't have any problem keeping updated, but I don't want it on my Facebook and Twitter as I thought I would. I have too many other things to talk about on those particular social networks. I have realistic goals but still need encouragement, so feel free to write to me and I'll try to respond. I hope you have a blessed week, and that you meet your goals as well as make yourself available to others.


  • new_me_4
    new_me_4 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I love the site and yes there is alot of motivation on the site. You can reply to other member threads and post questions and get some awesome responses. I think that you will enjoy it. Good Luck on your weight loss goal!!:happy:
  • etoila123

    I'm new here and have no Idea where to start. I take it I have to log in all the foods I've eaten today and log in my excersize too. Well, My name is Lucy and I am 70 yrs. old.
