Just got on here today. I need help

Hi, my name is Heather, I am 26 years old. I am currently 180lbs. About 3-5 years ago I was 110'ish lbs. my lowest was 103lbs. I was always a "skinny" person, I was probably 130lbs in high school at 5'8. I achieved my weight loss after school due to be somewhat unhealthy and healthy at the same time. The con i starved myself the pro I had a very active job where I was on my feet 8 hrs a day and always moving. Couple years ago, I got diagnosed with Bipolar and had to start taking medicine, I believe depakote and xyprexa were the drugs that caused me to gain a lot of weight in very short time. I went from 110lbs to 180lbs probably in 1-2 years. You can only imagine how I feel, and How low my self-esteem is. I hate going out in public now, because I know everybody will be looking at me, and I feel soo disgusting. I know that I need to start eating more healthy, I have quit smoking, stop drinking soda and alcohol. but I havent been active in about year and half. I need to start excising, my main problem is my motivation, I have absolutely none. It seems like i can't get my butt moving. I need all the support and help I can possibly can. I would like to know everybody else diets and what kinds of food you eat and what to stay away.and the biggest thing is exercise-What do you do? How long did it take for you to lose weight, time and how much?


  • userh6478
    userh6478 Posts: 19 Member
    Does anyone want to be my friend?? Be supportive and helpful ?
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Hello I sent You a request. I started my journey at the beginning of september and have lost right around 46lbs so far. The first two weeks I just changed my diet cut out all the junk food and pop. And in those two weeks I lost 10 lbs. I kept up with my eating less and started the 30 day squat, pushup, and crunch challenge. Now I am on to the couch 2 5 k program and doing jillian michaels 30 day slim down. Good luck to you.
  • NorCal311
    NorCal311 Posts: 44 Member
    Great on stopping smoking and drinking. That is something I am still working on. What i did a few months back to jump start my weight loss was the Medifast weight loss system. It is super easy and results happen FAST. Now I can eat almost anything as long as I keep exercising and do not go overboard with eating. Still need to make sure I do not over eat, but It is much easier now. When you see fast results you are much more motivated to change and stay that way. Feel free to friend me, we all need motivation.

  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    The journey to health, I think, is 100% mental. You can go through the motions and do everything technically right. But if you're not doing it for the right reasons, or your head isn't in the game, you'll eventually fail. First and foremost, before making long-term plans and goals, you have to learn to love yourself again and realize that you ARE worth the time and effort, The best way to do that is by taking baby steps. First, conquer the smoking. Once you have that down, start making small changes in your diet. Once you've done that, then start adding in exercise a little at a time, like a 10 minute walk at lunch, then build from there. (These are just examples. Set the goals as you think you need to.) As you reach these mini-goals, your confidence will build. And you'll really start to see how worth it you really are.

    This approach is what worked for me. I'm down almost 50 lbs since March 4. I won't lie and say it's been easy. But it's been worth it.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi, Heather

    Welcome! Your journey won't be easy but it'll be worth it.
    I previously lost 31lbs, gained love weight when I met my husband, and now I'm back to lose again.

    A few tips
    1. Go read others stories in the Success Stories section. They are helpful with workout and diet info.
    2. Start logging everything you eat and drink (even if you go over, you need to keep yourself accountable). Sticking with water and herbal teas will keep your cals lower.
    3. Make your diary public so friends can help you with food and exercise advice.
    4. Eat simple. Till you get a good knowledge about what foods/cals fit in your diet. I started with meal replacement shakes, salads, fruits, yogurt, granola, lettuce wrapped black bean burgers, tuna, chicken.
    5. Start with exercises that make you feel good when you are finished, walking, jogging, push-ups, jumping jacks, crunches. There are so many resources online for step by step workouts and exercises. Right now, I'm doing P90X, Zumba, and kickboxing. I switch up my workouts so I'm not getting bored easily.

    Good luck Heather, and if you need any help please feel free to message me.

  • LuisEOJr
    LuisEOJr Posts: 40 Member
    Already became your friend on here, but reading your post.
    Girl you had it tough, and still will have it tough coming up.
    But I am here (and if you pay attention to the friends I have on my list, they are very very helpful to all) to help out.

    I myself have always been 'sort of' out of shape but still energetic enough to stay active.
    Now I am 5'8", 29 years old, and when I started here I was 250lbs (252 to be exact but I ignored those 2 pounds when making this new account).

    Maybe we can do this together since, even though we different genders (even I have to admit it is true, weight loss seems to be easier for men than women - YEAH I SAID IT), we are both aiming for high goals (you 50lbs and me around 75lbs).

    I always ask this of my new friends who drank soda, how bad was your soda issue? Because mine is a serious addiction, I do not even notice myself do it, but from time to time I down a 2 liter in a day (if not an afternoon), and am always curious on how others were able to stop or at least slow it down.

    I do not know if you like this stuff, but something that has helped me out a lot is V8 Energy, gets my energy up through out the day and actually helps me control my cravings when it comes to soda and sweets.
  • userh6478
    userh6478 Posts: 19 Member
    I really didn't have a serious soda problem, I would drink a soda anytime I went to get out, or maybe one with a sunday lunch. I would say may 2-3 sodas a week if that. Now I drink none, I drink water/tea/lemonade/juice-I hear that juice isn't good for you, so I'll be cutting that out too
  • One thing I have learned through my journey is when you hit a plateau don't give up, work harder. It took me years to realize this. I used to give up this time I am not stopping.
  • albee1402
    albee1402 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm new to this site and desperately need some help and motivation to kick start my weight loss. I'm hoping to lose a stone but struggle with motivation after long days at work. I also love chocolate which is my down fall. Please add me and help me achieve my goals :) thanks in advance!!!!!

  • I am having trouble adding/or requesting friends. Any help?
  • userh6478
    userh6478 Posts: 19 Member
    Me and You(albee) both..The only thing i can think of is just do it..look at these posts/pictures and get inspiration from everyone and know that if they can do it, you can too
  • lk43m
    lk43m Posts: 12
    Hi there, I too love the chocolate and find that I turn to it for comfort. I'd love to have more friends on here so I can get some support. My husband is great but does not support me on my weight loss as he is an enabler, he loves to bring me chocolate when I'm having a bad day as he sees it as his way of "supporting" me.
  • rgibson53
    rgibson53 Posts: 7 Member
    For me it helped to just start walking a little bit when you can. I started at 1/4 mile and it took awhile, but now I have lost some and it gets easier every day. Just don't give up and do a little bit at a time and it will come.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    You gotta be in the right head-space, no amount of inspirational pictures or stories will help unless that switch inside you wants it bad enough. I know from personal experience, you may be completely different, I guess only you know the answer to that.

    Good luck with it all :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Heather and Welcome,

    Feel free to add me as I am a daily logger and poster on here. You will get a ton of different opinions on the best approach for weight loss, but the key is finding the one which works best for you and your body.

    As for me personally, I am down about 65 pounds in 6 and a half months (over 30 of which was attained here on MFP). If you are curious about my diet and exercise approach, I detail it in my profile.
  • BePawsitive
    BePawsitive Posts: 43 Member

    It is about taking one step at a time. It took a long time to put on the weight. However, if you stick with it, it will take less time to take it off. You will hit stages where you want to give up or just eat one more cookie. I encourage you to find that place where you feel confident, strong, and hopeful. When that soda tempts you or that chocolate cupcake calls your name... tell yourself, you are bigger than they are.

    From reading all the replies, you have a lot of encouragement. :flowerforyou:

    Here's is to success! :drinker: (that is green tea in the cup)
  • skyisover
    skyisover Posts: 21 Member
    You are beautiful no matter what weight you are! Once you learn to accept yourself no matter what you look like, the journey to your ideal weight is less a burden and a much more positive experience. When you love who you are as you are, it makes you want to do what it takes to make healthy choices (eating well and exercising) instead of trying to force yourself to make those choices. Become friends with yourself, realize your choice, and you'll keep yourself healthy as though you were taking care of a great friend and the weight will go down!