
toddaa Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
|Hi everyone my name is Todd and I am new here. |I have never done anything like this before cause weight has really never been an issue. I have gained some weight the last several years after I quit smoking about 40lb or so but am hoping to lose about half of that. My goal weight is around 175. I hope that I have the will power to cut ou thoes yummy snaks and such that we all enjoy. |Good luck to everyone on their goals to.


  • Success_1
    Success_1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Todd I have been on this program for two weeks and I think its great, having control of what I eat has help me to loose 2 pounds even though its nt alot I am looking forward to getting to my goal. Wish you the best of luck. Its all about having a healthy life style.
  • hello
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome. One of the big things I have learned here is that eating is not a diet, but a lifestyle. I am losing weight, though not as fast as I would like. I had stayed the same for three weeks, and now it is coming off again. Some on here tell you to eat strict like a diet. For me, that just doesn't work. I like a donut, a candy bar, a beer, etc. Yet, in the past 12 weeks, I have taken off 20 pounds. And I can honestly say that I have eaten at least one donut a week.

    How, count calories. And, I the day I eat the donut, I have ridden my bike for at least 90 minutes. Then, I ask, is it really worth the calories? Once in a while it is. Other times, I go for an apple.

    Today, I found candy at IKEA that tastes just like a health candy bar. Yet, they are small size. 9 makes one regular size candy bar. Now, I can have one and get the taste, with only 30 calories.

    Good luck. Quitting smoking and getting your weight healthy will give you a long life and more joy.
  • Spafb1
    Spafb1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Todd, sounds about like me. Never really thought about trying to stay thin. Until about 40 or so then.. the creep. Now I could stand to get in shape a bit! Welcome aboard!
  • Hey there. This site is pretty amazing. It is extra helpful and it's nice to have people who are there to encourage and help in a lot of ways. Good luck on your journey.
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