Today I feel like shoving my face into the f*cking lot!



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm from Maryland, why don't I know what Maryland cookies are?! :sad:

    What works for me, if I feel like I can't control myself for some reason, is writing my name on sticky notes and drawing a red circle with a line through it and sticking them on the packages of whatever I want to stop myself from eating. I'm like that with Turkey Hill's whoopie pie ice cream. I just want to plant my face in the carton.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Stick a huge picture of someone who is really obese on that table (with a note that reads …. Eat these and look like this !! )next to all the junk and it will make you forget about wanting to grab one !

    Wow. That is quite possibly the most rude, unwarranted suggestion I've ever seen on threads like this.

    Just because OP is watching what she eats doesn't mean she needs to shame her co-workers.

    Also, you can become obese by eating traditionally "healthy" foods too.

    I really hope you were kidding.
  • At work today I can see;

    Jaffa Cakes
    Maryland Cookies
    Rich Tea Biscuits
    Highland All Butter Shortbread
    Christmas Mince Pies
    Chocolate Cake
    Tea Cakes
    2 x varieties of homemade fudge
    Cadburys Chocolate Fingers

    50% of that list is less than 10ft away from me.

    I have asked my boss twice if it can be moved, she's always 'coming back to me' about it.

    I'm sipping an Options Hot Chocolate at 40 calories a cup, it helps take the edge off but it sure aint the same!


    i would pick two chocolate fingers, one piece of the yummiest looking fudge, a piece of chocolate cake and a Jaffa cake...

    then I would have lunch.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Hold strong girl!!!! I walked into the longe at school and there was caramel popcorn, chocolate pastachio brittle, cakes, pies, cookies, candies...OMG!!! I turned around and stayed in my office all day! You can do it!!!
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Stick a huge picture of someone who is really obese on that table (with a note that reads …. Eat these and look like this !! )next to all the junk and it will make you forget about wanting to grab one !

    Wow. That is quite possibly the most rude, unwarranted suggestion I've ever seen on threads like this.

    Just because OP is watching what she eats doesn't mean she needs to shame her co-workers.

    Also, you can become obese by eating traditionally "healthy" foods too.

    I really hope you were kidding.

    Don't worry, I have chosen to 'politely' ignore this advice least I find myself on a discrimination charge with HR.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    skinny feels better then:
    Jaffa Cakes
    Maryland Cookies
    Rich Tea Biscuits
    Highland All Butter Shortbread
    Christmas Mince Pies
    Chocolate Cake
    Tea Cakes
    2 x varieties of homemade fudge
    Cadburys Chocolate Fingers

    tastes! :flowerforyou:

    FYI, the "skinny feels better than <insert food>" is a quote repeatedly used by people with disordered eating
    I like being slim but chocolate tastes effing amazeballs.
  • rbinms
    I find myself in situations like this all the time with the typical meeting donuts. It does seem to get a little more frequent around the holidays and just about every break room in the building has some form or fashion of sweet, sugary treats in them. I do three things to help alleviate this as much as I can.

    First, I stay full with my regular food. Hard to eat extra stuff when you're full. Second, I go for a brisk little walk around the building. I don't know what it is about it but a little endorphin release helps with the sweet cravings. And third, I do the calculation in my head of how much extra time I'll have to spend on the bike, treadmill, weights, etc to burn what I'm considering eating. I've seen donuts that would cost me an hour!