Virtual Walking Apps

Hi There,
Does anyone know of any virtual walking apps where you can log your steps (aka mileage) along a challenge or trail? I'm looking for a program that will help to motivate me to get off my butt.
I've seen some apps that allow you to track your steps and when you get to way points, the program gives you pictures and information about where you are at on your journey.
The only one I've been able to find is a program called Walk with Attitude seems. They have a lot of trails, challenges, incentives, etc. Here's the link:
To use Walking with Attitude, you have to buy a membership.
I was hoping to find a program that I could buy outright (and then hopefully it would be updated) but the only program I have found is called Virtual Walk for iPhone and Android. But it doesn't have a lot of trails to choose from.
Are there any other programs out there similar to Walking with Attitude?
Thanks for any input! :happy:


  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I use Zombies, Run! personally. I use it while I walk and you can turn off zombie attacks. If you want to, you can turn on zombie attacks and break out into little jogs occasionally to avoid them.

    The app will take your own playlist and intersperse the songs with a storyline that is engaging and fun. You'll collect resources along the way and can log in online and see your average speed, the path you took, average calories burned, and use those resources you collected to build up your own base!

    It's really fun!
  • I agree. I used Zombies, Run! and Zombies, Run Couch to 5K to learn how to run. It was fun, and the story kept me preoccupied, so I didn't get bored. I started Zombies sometime in January of this year, and by this summer I felt good enough to compete in two 5K events. I went from only being able to run about 1 minute before stopping to rest, to doing 3 miles running with my dog!

    I love your Tardis, Shuuma! I spray painted an old angel tree topper (with grey/concrete looking spray paint) into a Weeping Angel for the Christmas tree this year. :D
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The Zombies, Run! makers just released an app called The Walk but it's pretty ho-hum and glitchy at this point, at least to me and to the reviews I see on Google Play. Maybe I'll try out ZR and adapt it to walking.

    I wish I knew of good walking apps. Walk It Out for Wii is sort of fun, if you ever need to walk indoors.

    A Fitbit helps with motivation to hit your own walking goals, but it's not very entertaining along the walk.

    I've walked with audio books before and that's OK but not very interactive.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I do not run because my knees can't handle it (along with the whole "I look like a drowning manatee when I run" thing). I hope to progress to running sometime next year after I've gotten stronger with my workouts, but Zombies, Run! works just fine while I walk. I just turn off the zombie attacks so you don't have to run to avoid being eaten.


    Also, I totally want a weeping angel tree topper, now!
  • samej57
    samej57 Posts: 5 Member

    I also use the Zombies, Run App on my Ipod, it keeps me motivated and can work with a walk/hike and on trails also. I have taken mine with me on a hike around my house into the mountains around me and it is very accurate with distance. Inside I use a treadmill and the accelerometer on the Ipod to track my steps but I also have a Jawbone UP band for tracking the steps also

  • I wish the stride pedometer app was ...well...truly an app:)
  • GoodIntents
    GoodIntents Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for all the great replies.

    I've heard that ZR is a great app and it sure looks like it, based on your comments. I don't run (talk about looking like a drowning manatee when I run like Shuuma said lol). Perhaps I'll try ZR while walking - just turn off the zombies so I don't get eaten. :tongue:

    I had checked out The Walk (made by the same folks who made ZR) but it's getting pretty bad reviews right now, as per what WalkingAlong said.

    Normally, I use Endomondo when I'm walking outside. It provides great stats and the GPS is quite accurate. It syncs nicely with MFP as well. I was looking for something to make walking on a treadmill a bit more fun. Where I live it gets quite cold (-25, -30 Celsius) during the winter. Sometimes it will warm up to -10 but still not lovely walking weather.

    Programs similar to Walking with Attitude that allow you to virtually walk through countries or trails and provide information about the place you are walking in are quite informative and motivating. I just thought there'd be more of them out there.
  • GoodIntents
    GoodIntents Posts: 5 Member
    James, how do you like the UP? I took a look at it but it doesn't work with Android, unfortunately.
    How does the accelerometer work? Is that an app?
  • GoodIntents
    GoodIntents Posts: 5 Member
    I wish the stride pedometer app was ...well...truly an app:)

    Hi cynflcylnce,
    What is the stride pedometer app?

    Wow! 219 pounds lost? You are AMAZING!!:flowerforyou:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The Walk is glitchy and dull so far but it was $3.99 and has over 800 minutes of audio, so I'm going to consider it a deal. Episode 2 (of like 65) seemed to be more trouble than 3, so I'm hoping things smooth out. I think it'd be easier on a treadmill. I can't see my screen well outdoors, when I do look at it.

    You have to walk to earn the next audio bit and the walking minutes outnumber the audio minutes by I don't know... at least 5 to 1. So there's a lot of downtime, with nothing to listen to.

    You know what's fun on a treadmill? It's just guided workouts but I like them, if I have to use a treadmill. He uses some imagery in a lot of them, if you're into that. Not like "Here's London Bridge..." but more like "We're going to climb this 2-minute hill, set your incline and lets get to it... We're almost to the top, keep pushing, dig deep, don't touch those buttons... You made it, enjoy the view! Lower your incline and enjoy this 3-minute rest at the summit..." They have instrumental music in the background.
  • GoodIntents
    GoodIntents Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the tip, WalkingAlong! Cardio Coach looks like they would certainly motivate! They have a lot of variety in their programs as well. Appreciate the feedback! :happy: