Shooting to lose 80lbs by April 21st! Who's with me?

Hello (: As you have probably read, I'm trying to lose 80 lbs by April 21st, I begin the diet tomorrow, December 18th.
I just joined MFP and I'm hoping to make friends to help me stay on track (:
Feel free to add your diet goals below and add me as a friend (:
Even better if we have similar stats or if you log in daily (:


  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Welcome! 80 in 4 months seems pretty fast and unhealthy. Most people on here think that 2lbs a week is a healthy achievable pace to lose weight. Some weeks you will lose more, some less. If you want a supporting friend though I think I qualify. I don't claim to have all the answers but we can learn something everyday if you want to ADD me. :bigsmile:
  • bama1momma
    bama1momma Posts: 21 Member
    Wow! 80lbs in 4 months...:ohwell: I'm shooting for 15lbs MAYBE 20lbs by April 25th (my daughter's first birthday)
    Good luck though.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    How do you plan on doing this the healthy way?
  • purcel
    purcel Posts: 34 Member
    I'm actually trying to lose 100+ by August. Plan is to lose 5lbs the first 6 weeks then between 3-2lbs a week the rest of the time, basically as much as possible . So far so good. Lost 11 lbs in the first 2 weeks! I have been logging in daily and plan to continue too!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Why are you putting a date to lose it by? It's taken me a year to lose 90 lbs.

    Log your food
    Set mini goals
    Be realistic
    Be patient
    Don't deprive yourself
    Prepare yourself with a healthy lifestyle rather then a quick diet plan, you will be more likely to keep the weight off rather then pushing yourself to lose it quickly then go back to what caused you to put on the 80lbs in the first place.

    Good luck in sticking with a plan that is going to be really restrictive to lose that much that quickly.
  • preetiusa
    preetiusa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also tragetting 15 lbs /month,
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    And how do you 2 ladies plan on doing it the healthy way? What is your food and working out schedules going to look like?
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    And how do you 2 ladies plan on doing it the healthy way? What is your food and working out schedules going to look like?

  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Uh, no. This is not "The Biggest Loser" tv program and I'm not able to workout 3 times a day under the auspice of a personal trainer, dietitian & physician. A more realistic goal would be 2 lbs. a week for 16 weeks, or 32 lbs. I don't mean to sound condescending, but what you're planning is not healthy.
  • breakhearts
    breakhearts Posts: 110 Member
    Hmmm, I think 80 is a bit much for four months! :b I'm here with you though! :)
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Uh, no. This is not "The Biggest Loser" tv program and I'm not able to workout 3 times a day under the auspice of a personal trainer, dietitian & physician. A more realistic goal would be 2 lbs. a week for 16 weeks, or 32 lbs. I don't mean to sound condescending, but what you're planning is not healthy.

    Exactly with out some type of professional monitoring them its not going to work out in the long run....its not about short term diets its about long term healthy goals. Granted the heavier the person is at first the weight will come off easily but its usually water weight also and more then likely they will have stalls aka plateaus and then once they stop it all come back on
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm going away at the start of April. In my head i know where I want to be at by then. I know I just have to work hard and keep at it but as long as I keep losing I'll be happy.

    I agree that 80lbs in 4 months is a lot though
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    18 weeks xs 2 is only 36 lbs. She would have to average 4lbs a week in order to get close to 80lbs and thats not possible unless shes being looked over by a professional
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    Why are you putting a date to lose it by? It's taken me a year to lose 90 lbs.

    Log your food
    Set mini goals
    Be realistic
    Be patient
    Don't deprive yourself
    Prepare yourself with a healthy lifestyle rather then a quick diet plan, you will be more likely to keep the weight off rather then pushing yourself to lose it quickly then go back to what caused you to put on the 80lbs in the first place.

    Good luck in sticking with a plan that is going to be really restrictive to lose that much that quickly.

    Exactly all this ^^

    As someone who has previously lost 86lbs within the timeframe you're looking at I will strongly suggest you reconsider it. You're setting yourself up for failure; you'll end up gaining it all back and likely more.

    Also in order for me to lose that kind of weight in about 5-ish months, I ate anywhere from 300-800 calories a day, lost a lot of hair, got really dizzy, had a hard time focusing and thinking clearly, fainted a couple of times, my weight fluctuated like crazy anytime I ate 'normal' amounts and I had a LOT of plateaus. Oh and I went through all that only to gain it all back within a year.

    You could very easily lose 80lbs in 4 months if you had hundreds of lbs to lose however you ONLY have 80 according to your ticker. The last 20 alone could take 4 months or more.

    Slow it down and you'll see results that will last.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Good luck! It took me exactly one year to lose around 90 lbs.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    wow im only trying to lose 10 to 15 lbs by then. losing so much, so quickly isnt good for your body. I know its not what you want to hear but at most you should only shoot for 2 lbs a week.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Good luck with that.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    why not start today? why tomorrow? why wait?

    forgot to add...not with you.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I like this post...only because it made me realize that I no longer need to lose 80 lb. I would be slightly underweight at 125. Woot!