Mental transition/ Weight Loss

Hey guys,

I've lost about 50 pounds, and still have about 10 -15 more to go. Although my body has changed i'm finding it hard to adjust mentally. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I'm physically differen't but it's as though my mental thought process and state is still stuck in my "overweight" self. Any tips?


  • KarenNFiske
    yes same here! I've lost 75 pounds and still in the mental state that I'm huge and over weight!
  • queenbekks
    queenbekks Posts: 58 Member
    This can take a long time! i lost 70 lbs about 10 years ago, and kept most of it off (gained 15 lbs, that's why i'm here! :-D ) It took me at least 3 years before my mental image of myself became the smaller me. It just takes time!
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    This is totally normal. Just take lots of selfies and eventually you will start to recognize yourself again. For me, I gained a lot of weight after having been in good shape so when I look in the mirror now, i feel like I recognize me which is an amazing feeling after so many shocking years of "who the hell is that in that photo?". And congratulations on the HUGE accomplishment!
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    It's been 16 months since I hit my goal weight of 185 (after losing 150 pounds in 13 months and my top weight was 420 12 years ago) I still think of myself as fat. I am afraid of sitting in those fold out chairs because I still think I am to big for them. My fold out ladder has a limit of 225... still afraid I will break it. I was over weight 48 years... I don't know how long it will take to get it in my head that I am thin(ish) or if I will ever feel that way.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I find looking at photos helps kind of to show how far you've come.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this topic. I'm reaching my last four pounds or so of weight loss and still haven't quite grasped it. I still feel like the only fat chick in the room and it's an awful feeling. At the same time, the amount of male attention I received has increased dramatically and I have no idea how to handle it.

    I'm definitely going to follow this thread for tips.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I wish I had an answer for you. I had a conversation with someone the other day about this - I was getting ready for a family dinner and had no pants to wear because the only two pairs that fit were dirty. I mentioned that never in my life did I think a size 6 would be too big for me (I'm just under 5 feet tall and used to squeeze into a size 14). His response was "but it must feel good." And honestly, I thought about it and realized that I feel exactly the same as I did when I was 180 pounds. Sure, I can walk up a flight of stairs and not get winded, but ultimately, I still want to buy an XL shirt or size 14 pants rather than a size 2... I try to look at pictures of when I was heavier, but I think I look the same. Sometimes I wish I kept a pair of my "fat" pants to compare it to.
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    I think that you are not the only person who does not see themselves as they really are. I have lost 139 and still see myself as large and I use the term "see" loosely because I rarely look in the mirror because when I do I only see a fat person. Other people tell me how amazing I look but I still don't see it.

    These days I take photos of myself and compare them in photoshop so that I can really "see" me. At times it feels kind of self absorbed but not seeing myself as I am is what got me in this situation in the first place. I never really understood how large I was now I need to see the slow transition of my body to a more healthy size.

    So do not feel alone, I think lots of people are in the same situation.
  • aboone211
    Thanks guys! It's awesome to know that i'm not the only person that feels this way. Sorry for the late reply! I was wondering if I should seek counseling for this? I don't want to live the rest of my life thinking in a "big state of mind" if you get what I mean ; ). I understand the feeling of still feeling heavy, it still shocks me that I can fit in to a size seven, even four years later! Or when someone goes to pick me up, I always think "they wont be able to i'm to heavy."

    I also received a lot of attention after my weight loss not know how to cope or handle it from guys. One day i'd like to have a family, husband and this is a huge mental set back for me but it makes it impossible to date.

    I understand what we ALL have accomplished is an amazing thing something to be extremely proud of and i'm glad to have shared the awesome experience with you guys. so I wonder why it's so hard for us to really..see ourselves? I still think the same way as I did when I was 200 pounds.

    -Ashlee (22, Seattle WA)