
JennyAllard Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone I am new to my fitness pal. So far I love it. When i started this 2 weeks ago i weighed 166 and i have lost 3 1/2 pounds since monday. My good friend and soon to be cousin in law got me hooked on this. Maggie u are the best. Heres to a happier, healthier and skinnier me. I am also trying to loose weight since i am going to be getting married July of 2012.


  • krbaggett
    krbaggett Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Karla and I am going to Hawaii in 69 days, hope this helps me loose a little. I just started yesterday and so far so good.:smile:
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    welcome to MFP
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome aboard! The main thing is to be honest with yourself. Track everything you eat. You may fall off the bandwagon every once in awhile, but stick with it. The other obvious thing is to exercise. It doesn't have to be at a gym or anything. I have been walking almost outside every day since March, 2010. I do at least 2.5 miles each time. In fact I heard from one of those call-in radio shows with Dr.? and he has said if you're going to one thing that walking 2 miles a day is the best thing you can do. I'll admit that I walk pretty fast now, I started at 3.0 mph and am up to around 4.0 mph now. That means that I'm doing the 2.5 miles in under 40 minutes. It does mean you'll need to take a shower, because you do build up a sweat. Also, you need to have decent shoes because that is a lot of pounding on your feet.:smile:
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