friends and support

I am going to sound like a dork here but I need friends. Wow that sounded worse than I thought. I have been on the site hit or miss for the last 6 months or so and really want to stay connected to it because I think it does help me on my weight loss journey. I have lost about 40 lbs so I am about 1/2 way there to my personal goal weight. I love to run and completed several half marathons and a full marathon at Disney and weightlift 4-5 days a week. So needless to say I am not looking to be 150 lbs but more like a cornerback than a linebacker.

I would love to add anyone who is willing to share the journey with me which I think would be easier than just blindly looking at the community boards.


  • SBMarie93
    I think it's pretty darn awesome I just caught your post a few minutes after you posted it. I'm new to the site! My name is Marie, and I've recently made a life changing decision to join the military. I have about 6 months to lose 65 pounds. Cardio is no problem for me its more of the strength training. I think it is much easier to shed the weight when you have friends who are active with you. I've lived a fitness lifestyle before where I was very active with friends. I moved, and nobody that I know is active here. So I gained a lot of weight and don't really have a good excuse as to why, other than being lazy like everyone else.

    I'd love to stay in touch and make friends.
  • CLBoni
    I am recommitting and need to lose 80 lbs. Anyone can add me. I need support too! I was going to wait until after Christmas, but I need to do this now!
  • watsdd
    watsdd Posts: 21
    I agree. It is so much easier when you have support. I am definitely trying to be as consistent as possible and thank you so much for the add and support
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    I need friends too, so add me! I'm back on this site again. The first time it helped me to lose about 18 lbs after having my son, now I have to start all over again with about 15 to 20 to lose after having my daughter. That's awesome that you ran marathons. I always wanted to do that but don't know how to start.
  • Redirishmike
    I too am looking for support and encouragement (mutual). Without it, I just don't stay motivated and on track.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far!

    I have been running quite a bit since last fall and recently completed my first marathon. Although I have been lifting since January, I have just recently began to put a heavier focus on it (in the middle of my first bulk).

    How are you doing with finding a proper balance between running and lifting? That is the hardest part for me. Feel free to add me if you wish!
  • 5FootGiant
    5FootGiant Posts: 2 Member
    Don't sweat it, We all need support.
    This has been a terrible year for me in being consistent with my workouts. I'm staying positive and motivated though.....And trying to stay away from cupcakes and potlucks at work ;-)
    Marathons are a Huge victory!!
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    I have run for years (just finished another half marathon last weekend) and lift twice a week. If I can help with support, let me know.