New to this website

Hi! I'm 48 years old and need to lose weight. My doctor told me about this website and I love it! I have no support whatsoever from my family, so I'm hoping to get some from all you guys!


  • AngelSharum
    AngelSharum Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome to the site and good luck with your weight loss. The forums here seem to be great and everyone I've met so far is very nice.
  • mkakowski
    mkakowski Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! The support system here is great! This is my second week using this site and I love it! I actually feel like I'm going to lose the weight for good this time! Good luck!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    This Web site has been an invaluable tool for me. I had NO idea the amount of calories I was consuming in a day. It was shocking. It becomes fun to track your progress and your calories. I still eat things I want and like, just in moderation. Good luck and stick with it! :)
    This Web site allows you to change your lifestyle as well. Not just your eating habits!
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll find tons of support here!
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I credit this website with helping my weight loss every time someone asks me about it.

    There are such great, simple tools here; they are so easy to use. I did upgrade to using a heart rate monitor for my exercise calories burned, (which most people recommend), but this is a great place to measure your progress, track calories and more! :)

    Plus, I learned about C25K (Couch to 5K) training, which has helped me run ENJOYABLY and finish my first 5K on October 16th. :)
  • salina09
    Hi Everyone! I'm trying to regain my confidence and not break a sweat walking up stairs :) I'm really excited about this website. I think I'm really gonna benefit from being around people with the same goals. Good luck to all the other newbies!!
  • PocketNaomi
    Welcome to the site! I've only been ere a couple of days myself, but I've been really delighted with all the support I've been getting here. I'm sure you'll find the same -- good luck to you! (I get short of breath walking up stairs too... but you gotta start somewhere, right?)
  • robinrene
    Hi I am new to this web site too. I've been tracking my calories for 2 weeks and am doing pretty well. I have to work out to stay within my 1200 calories a day. I am feeling guilty today, I feel like I'm getting bronciitis and did not work out and ate over my 1200 calories by 300. I feel disappointed, I really want to loose 30#.