looking for friends with open diaries

Would love to see what you're eating to help get ideas for meals and snacks. Also would to have friends for support and to support.


  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    My diary is always open =)

    you can add me. its all good!
  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    Amen! I don't like not seeing diaries. Please add me! I only have about 5 pounds to lose but plan to keep logging.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Mine's always open. Don't judge me by this week though. I have the flu.
  • paperpusher3
    paperpusher3 Posts: 36 Member
    My diary is open. I've lost 19 lbs so far and still have about 25 to go. I'm going for slow, steady weight loss. I lost 20 lbs two years ago for my HS reunion and put most of it back once it was over. This time I'm losing it for me. I try not to use most of my exercise calories to help me stay on goal. Some days are better than others so at least you know I'm not perfect. :smile:
  • You got it:)