Itchy when I run?!?!?



  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I get itchy as well on my legs and back. It's so annoying!
  • ozzy_q
    ozzy_q Posts: 47 Member
    If its just itchy dont sweat it but if you get blotchy skin as a result it could be something like pityriasis versicolor which can be knocked off by washing your skin in dandruff shampoo (Selsun)
  • I'm so glad that I am not the only one this happens to. My brother and I came up with a name for it. We call it the "itchies". It always comes when you first start running. The only way I got over it, was just to keep running each day a little bit more, and after about a week, it stopped completely.

    Whenever I take a break from running and then start back up again, it is so severe that it starts REALLY itching after only 5-10 minutes of running. So each day, try and run at least 5 more minutes than you did the day before, and hopefully it will go away soon.

    It is SUPER annoying. Good luck getting rid of the "itchies".
  • roz250
    roz250 Posts: 23
    Used to get it here, too, and it's terrible. But after 2 weeks or so of running 3x/week, it went away. It always hit just after the 2 mile mark for me and made the trek back nearly unbearable.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Yeah I get this about the 10 minute mark, usually gone after 5 mins, think its because suddenly your heart is pumping blood fast, everywhere and your skin is likfe wtf.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    My scalp gets quite itchy a lot, always has though.
  • Hi all,

    As you can see from all the responses this is an INCREDIBLY common problem. I've been a runner for about 10 years and have ALWAYS gotten itchy after any more than a week off. A few things to add:

    1. If you're getting itchy on your legs/stomach/arms etc- it is likely a circulation issue as described by other posters. This is the case for me. Usually after 3 runs it DOES go away. But what about those 3 miserable runs? I have found that if I run literally as slowly as possible I will not get itchy and that if I start slow I can usually pick up the pace after about a mile/mile and a half. Starting at your normal pace will trigger it immediately. I also find switching to the elliptical for a week before getting back to running helps prevent the itch when you do start to run again.

    2. A few posters mentioned getting itchy behind their knees, under their arms, and in the bend of their elbows. This may be a DIFFERENT issue than circulation and is more likely to be related to sweat/allergies since these are areas where sweat forms first on the body.

    3. One poster mentioned still being itchy after 3 months- this is not normal if you are working out consistently and may be related to other allergies.

    Good luck :) I promise it does get better!
  • tarawarner22
    tarawarner22 Posts: 26 Member
    I know this is going to sound weird but I put deodorant on my legs before I run to help with the itching. I jog usually 4-5 days a week and if I don't put deodorant on my legs they itch like crazy. The feeling of it has never gone away. It is the only thing I have found that works for me and gets rid of the itchiness.
  • melissaflund
    melissaflund Posts: 1 Member
    oh I have this sooo bad, it is the most unbearable itch too. So glad its circulatory and temporary! guess i'll just start short low intensity runs and then pick it up once it gets milder. Thanks!