Stuck in a Funk

From January 2nd until some point at the end of May/beginning of June, I lost 27 pounds. At Christmas last year, I saw photos of myself, and I looked pregnant, which I was not. I went from 178 down to 151. Then, I went on vacation, came home, caught the flu, and spiraled into a funk which I cannot seem to get out of. Since May/June, I have fluxed between 151 and 156. I cannot seem to break 150, and get to my goal of 140. I think I have been a little depressed, and I have lost all motivation to workout. Last week, I was really dedicated, and got back down to 151. I have had...4 splurge days in a row, since Saturday.

I just need some help getting back into the swing of things, and motivation to keep focused. Any advice would be great, and feel free to add me.


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    One of the biggest things that helped me to stay focused was to have a strong "why". Why are you wanting to lose this weight in the first place? I review my "why" on a regular basis to keep me motivated! Having a strong, emotional connection to that why is key. For example, if losing weight for the sake of looking good worked, very few of us would be on MFP, am I right?

    For me, it was looking at my future where I was at the time and realizing that if I didn't do something now, I was most likely going to die of a heart attack by the time I was 40 or suffer from a lot of physical ailments like the majority of my older aunts and I was NOT cool with that! It scared the begeezus out of me and that "why" propelled me to do whatever it took, for however long it took to get healthy.

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    First, congratulations on your progress since last Christmas! Even if you've been stuck for a while, you're stuck at a much lower weight than before - you've lost 15% of your body weight.

    Also, you've been consistently maintaining in the low 150s - so you're not putting the weight back on. That in itself is an accomplishment once you're no longer actively losing.

    I agree with PinkCoconut: at this point, you need to examine your motivation. What will getting down to 140 get you that you don't have at 151-155? The more concrete you can be, the easier it will be to motivate yourself when you face the choice to exercise or not, or to eat something that's not in your plan for the day.

    It can also help to look at things the other way: why do you splurge? What benefit does it bring you, and is there some other way you can get the same benefit? I really, really like cheese, and could cheerily eat 500 calories of cheese as a snack or dessert. I find, though, that taking out some cheeses, cutting off a few small portions of one or two, then smelling the rest before putting it back into the fridge offers nearly as much pleasure with none of the guilt.
  • FarTooJones
    What are you doing for workouts now? Are you bored with them, and maybe worth looking at switchin it up? I've actually put my Netflix addiction to good use, and use it to distract me while i'm on the indoor bike since i can't get outside as much as i'd like in winter.
  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    One of the biggest things that helped me to stay focused was to have a strong "why". Why are you wanting to lose this weight in the first place? I review my "why" on a regular basis to keep me motivated! Having a strong, emotional connection to that why is key. For example, if losing weight for the sake of looking good worked, very few of us would be on MFP, am I right?

    This!!! For me its my kids!! I wanna walk my daughter down the aisle, and i wanna see my grandkids!!

    I think the most important thing for you after figuring out your "why" is figuring out your diet. you only have like 11 more to lose and I feel it's gonna come down to the diet. I'm guessing you looking at maybe .5lbs to 1lbs a week loss (healthy and reasonable) stay away from fast foods and high sugary foods, they will eat up all your calories and you will still feel hungry, try and get lots of protein (eggs, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shake, etc.) I know its hard cuz you are on the move, so maybe pre plan your meals the night before, prelog everything so you are not tempted to get take out. You can soo do this, I mean you already have gotten this far!!!

    feel free to add me also if you please :)
