Snacking and Baking

It is that time of year. I am baking like crazy every time I turn around. I was smart this year and didn't bake a ton really early and snack on them all month. I also decided to cut back on all the ones that I really love so I wouldn't pig out. Then last night I had eaten a really healthy baked salmon with a spinach salad with a little lemon juice. I was sending a care package to the sales rep I work with at work for Christmas and I baked peppermint biscotti because we both love peppermint and chocolate. I was good while prepping and didn't eat the dough, but then I was dipping them (I know this isn't really diet friendly, but they are a treat and I believe everything in moderation.) and piece would break off and I would unconsciously pop that piece in my mouth. Next thing I know I have probably consumed 3 of them and feel sick to my stomach at the thought and from all that sugar.

This is why I stopped baking except for the holidays. I have a tendency to grab one and then it iturns into 3. Then I feel sick to my stomach. I keep a glass of water next to me the whole time and I try chewing gum. I try to eat a full meal before I bake so that I am not hungry, but still keep doing this. Only upside is downing those initial 3 sweets I don't tend to eat any of the rest. I also get them out of my house as soon as possible.

So what do you do to keep yourself from pigging out on the dough and the "broken" or "ugly" cookies?


  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    When I figure it out I will let you know. I have eaten a number of "broken" sugar cookies in the last week or yeah.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I try not to start because once I start I am more likely to keep eating the goodies.

    I also try to bake when my husband is home as I can give him some of the pieces along the way that I would normally eat. I also eat less when he is around. Otherwise I put them in the garbage or in a bowl immediately that needs to be washed.

    This doesn't always work. When I do decide to bake though it is usually a few hours worth of baking. I love it and don't have time to do it regularly so I go to town when I can. When I'm on my feet for 4-5 hours I figure an extra bite isn't going to kill me :)

    i also drink wine while I bake frequently. This could be worse than eating the scraps...

    I'm no help lol
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    It has helped today though because I have no interest in the sweets that are part of the pot luck we are having. I have eaten every veggie only 4 bbq meatballs. And the veggies have mostly been raw. And I skipped the bun for my shredded chicken.... lol... makes me feel better.

    The baking I do is always at least a few hours. Usually elaborate. I have these cookies I make my husband every year that he calls "deep fried" they aren't but have the dark brown edges that kinda look that way, they are whisper thin, but I can't eat them while I make them because I have to keep the numbers even to make sandwiches. They are also way sweet before baking. I am making them this weekend and kinda dreading it.

    I am rambling because I am currently bored at work.
  • squishybarb
    squishybarb Posts: 72 Member
    I was making pretzles with M&M's squished into melted kisses on top .. and every time I would go to squish an M&M in the kiss, it would stick to my finger and I would eat it. BAD! But .. it was good. :laugh:

    This is of no help, but I do it too. Thought about wearing a scarf over my mouth when I was making food so I'd have my hands all dirty and not want to touch the scarf to get it off my mouth. Sounds pretty insane, just to keep yourself from eating.. lol

    Best wishes. :smooched:
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I HAVE to have the cookies. I also only bake around the holidays because I have a big sweet tooth! I could sit and eat like 6 in one sitting - with no tummy ache, but this year I will check my calories and then just eat one - sometimes 2 if calories allow. I'm just maintaining through the holidays because I always ramp it up in January (this works for me). I know if I get too hard on myself about the sweets I tend to give up and just eat during the holidays and then have extra weight to lose starting January.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    lol! I've been baking all this past week and surprisingle I only ate 1 cookie each time I baked, once it was done and cooled. I simply didn't start because I know I'll keep going!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I was good all through lunch and then I came back to the office and I wanted to try these stupid peppermint cupcakes that I have been eyeballing all afternoon. White cake with a hint of peppermint and then white frosting too with a white chocolate snowflake. I had the calories left over so I decided I would have it as I went for a walk on my normal lunch hour.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I've already made 2 batches of Toll House cookies that are in the freezer, 150 Rum balls that I gave away to friends, a batch of cheese straws (also in the freezer) and 2 pans of Gingerbread complete with homemade whipped cream. And I haven't eaten a bit of it. I'm making a Red Velvet cake with cheesecake layers for Christmas dinner. THAT is going to be my sweet treat for the holidays and I plan to enjoy every last bite of the very small piece I will cut for myself.

    I find not starting is easier for me than stopping at 1 cookie. And I keep telling myself that all this sugary goodness will be around next year so skipping it completely for this year is no big deal.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I bake all year long, and always budget for at least 1 taste test while baking, then I put them aside and eat them like everything else in moderation. Because it's something I've worked in to my normal life I don't feel the need to binge or over due it. It's worked for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I love dough, batter, etc. I work out how much of that would equal 1-2 servings of the finished product and indulge in that while baking and then have my husband (who won't eat the raw stuff) sample the end product.

    For me, when I was the one who baked it I don't enjoy it nearly as much as if someone else made it for me.
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    I do the same thing - I love baking. I ended up skipping dinner because I snacked too much. Not the most nutritious day, tastiest maybe, but not most nutritious. I kind of got to the point where I decided I am going to snack so I will save as many calories for that as I can even if it means skipping meals :embarassed: Yet anther reason that I don't bake very often anymore.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    It has helped today though because I have no interest in the sweets that are part of the pot luck we are having. I have eaten every veggie only 4 bbq meatballs. And the veggies have mostly been raw. And I skipped the bun for my shredded chicken.... lol... makes me feel better.

    The baking I do is always at least a few hours. Usually elaborate. I have these cookies I make my husband every year that he calls "deep fried" they aren't but have the dark brown edges that kinda look that way, they are whisper thin, but I can't eat them while I make them because I have to keep the numbers even to make sandwiches. They are also way sweet before baking. I am making them this weekend and kinda dreading it.

    I am rambling because I am currently bored at work.

    I second your last statement. And I'm full because we had our Christmas party at work. At which there was ham. And I love ham. There was also chicken alfredo pasta salad stuff which I love but normally don't eat. I figured once a year won't kill me. And I tracked nothing past breakfast. I'm past help lol.

    If you have already eaten some sweets and sort of filled your quota maybe you won't be as tempted to eat them as you think?

    And you earned the cupcake you just ate :)

    I went power shopping at the mall over lunch. I wear a bodymedia band and I swear my heart was racing more than when I do the elliptical or bike and I thought it shuold count as vigorous activity. Bodymedia doesn't think so :(

    I wish I could be a persont aht needed to gain weight today.

    I am jealous of everyone who can entirely resist the urge to eat the baking you bake. I am always tempted. I don't always give in but always so so so sos os so tempted.

    Way off topic
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    No help here, either. I can resist the baked goodies IF they're for a gift. But the left-over batter? Heck, no.

    And I'm not going to try - I just skip my usual nightly dessert and hope it balances out. It probably does.
  • psych0kitty
    My cat knocked a bag of candied pecans I had just made onto the floor and the bag broke, so I had to eat the floor nuts. And I'm ok with that.

    It's just that time of year. Balance it out later.

    WAIT! I'VE GOT IT!!! Bake stuff that you don't like! OMG next year I'm baking all cinnamon stuff so I can be completely repulsed and not tempted!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I don't. I either make 'em fit in my calorie budget, or I burn 'em off at the gym! Or I just go on and do better the next day.:smokin:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    1) Only bake after a meal 2) always send all of the baked goods out of the house (like to work with my husband) 3) only allow myself to have 1 or 2.

    Last night I baked a batch of Lemon Cookies (I LOVE THEM!) for my hubby to take to work today. I baked AFTER dinner.... and I let myself have 1. Then I boxed the rest of them up... and he took them away this morning. A lot of it is just determining... I will have 1.. and that's all and having that will power to say no to #2 or #3.... I also went for a walk yesterday so I had a little bit of wiggle room in my calories which doesn't hurt.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I found myself licking cake mixture off the wooden spoon last night. With each lick I was telling myself to "STOP"! Just couldn't. Then a mince pie fell in my mouth. Today more backing and those darn Nutella brownies found on this very site. My son asked me to make him some to take into school tomorrow. Finger licking good.

    Resistance is futile!
  • Taneebear
    Working on this chocolate chip cookie lastnight......alotted myself one piece of fudge a day.....haha...I think each person has to come up with a different way to "trick" our minds because different things work for each of us and it really is in our heads. I'm working toward my wedding in 6 weeks so that is keeping my eyes on the prize. Maybe that's it, setting goals to focus on....I don't have the answers, just taking it one day at a time. Best of luck to everyone and Merry Christmas!
  • HeatherSanto
    HeatherSanto Posts: 138 Member
    I was in the baking industry so I bake ALL the time, but even moreso now. Funny you mentioned this, that is what I wrote a blog post on today on what I do to survive holiday baking. Hope you enjoy:
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    I bake things I don't like.... cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.... other people love them but I have cream cheese= 0 temptation and everyone is happy