Need Motivation

I signed onto this site months ago as I watched a coworker lose weight regularly. In 6 months she has lost more than 50 pounds and looks incredible!! She was a Weight Watcher, and since I've always used the WW plan to lose weight too, I decided to make the switch to "" and follow her lead. However, not only have I not lost weight, I have added an additional 5 pounds over the last few weeks. I really need to lose 20 pounds, but find that although I start each day off on the right track I lose my will power and motivation by mid day! If anyone has words of advice that could help keep me on track, I'd love to hear the from you. I have a horrible sweet tooth!


  • jemara49
    jemara49 Posts: 23
    I signed onto this site months ago as I watched a coworker lose weight regularly. In 6 months she has lost more than 50 pounds and looks incredible!! She was a Weight Watcher, and since I've always used the WW plan to lose weight too, I decided to make the switch to "" and follow her lead. However, not only have I not lost weight, I have added an additional 5 pounds over the last few weeks. I really need to lose 20 pounds, but find that although I start each day off on the right track I lose my will power and motivation by mid day! If anyone has words of advice that could help keep me on track, I'd love to hear the from you. I have a horrible sweet tooth!
  • zen68
    zen68 Posts: 138 Member
    You will find a good routine sooner than takes time and some trial and error. Trust me I know. I have been doing this since Jan and went from a size 10-12 to my first new pair of size 5-6 jeans....and a small top. But it took some time and some tweeks here and there. Hang in there and keep talking to people on the site the support is phenominal beyond what u can me I know!
  • Laguapa
    Laguapa Posts: 58
    RESIST at the grocery store. It's too hard to resist when the stuff is within your reach. If you must have your sweets (like I do sometimes) buy 100 calorie packs or small portions. I buy low fat skinny cow ice cream bars and they are delicious! Also, 100 calorie brownies--they are small but will satisfy a sweet tooth.

    Are you recording in MFP EVERYTHING you eat? That'll motivate you when you see all the calories you've consumed.

    Drink LOTS of water---you will not eat as much.

    Have a friend that holds you accountable.

    Visualize yourself how you WANT to look. I lost about 40 pounds in 6 months---and I LOVE sweets--if I can do it anyone can.:ohwell:
  • jemara49
    jemara49 Posts: 23
    Thank you so much for replying. You are officially the first person on the site to talk to me. I thought I could do this alone, but I know I can't! Thank you, thank you.
  • jemara49
    jemara49 Posts: 23
    Actually I haven't been recording everything I eat. Once I know I blew it, I stop recording because I don't want to see how badly I've done. However, coming to this message board last night and see that people like yourself are willing to help motivate me is wonderful. Also, I think I drink more diet drinks and coffee then I do water. So, today two new things.....I will record everything I put into my body and I will fill a pitcher with water just for me and make sure I drink it throughout the day. Thank you!!! Congratulations on how well you have done.
  • northernmama705
    Another good idea is to do a fridge and cupboard clean. Dr. Phil refers to it as "creating a no-fail environment." You can't eat it if it is not in the house. LOL I did this and it does really help. If we have company and have chips and salsa etc. I throw out the leftovers right away. I know that if they are in the cupboard I will eat them and think..I might as well just eat it all to get them out of the house. NOw I throw them out right away.

    Changing habits is so hard!! I used to snack in the evening and I stopped a couple of years ago. It was TOUGH. I chewed gum in the evening and drank water with lemon. I would even eat the ice to try to trick myself. Now, unless we are at a social function, I never eat after supper. It is a habit that was hard to break but now I never think about it anymore.

    Hang in there and even if you are having an "I blew it" day, log everything. I also take special note of how low in calories other foods are that I enjoy. (i.e. cherries, grapes, peppers) and it helps to make better choices.

    Good luck to you!
  • Laguapa
    Laguapa Posts: 58
    quote: "Another good idea is to do a fridge and cupboard clean." (I like that!)

    That's right! And REPLACE it with good healthy foods. If I just got rid of all the junk I would go crazy from hunger and raid the grocery store the next day :mad: but I get healthy snacks because in losing 40 pounds I have not stopped eating--I still even eat popcorn at night but not the big bag---the CURVES 90 calorie bag and its working.

    For me, its not about denying yourself---its about replacing your old habits with new ones and using portion control.

    This site is wonderful and we are all here for you to hold you accountable. You will achieve your goal.:wink:
  • jemara49
    jemara49 Posts: 23
    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I am logging everything today AND DRINKING WATER!! lol FIrstly, I am already amazed at how many calories I've been wasting puting soy creamer in my coffee. Secondly, drinking the water is taking the edge off my hunger.
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    Before putting it into your mouth, try logging it into your chart first! That way, you are making an educated choice! You'll begin to make better snack choices and it will become easier to get healthy. Don't forget, it takes about 30 days to make behavior changes! Best of luck reaching your goal!
  • jemara49
    jemara49 Posts: 23
    Good Advice! I've now set the laptop up in the kitchen, so it will be easier to log in a food before eating it! Thanks.
  • Busy_Wife08
    I could help be an accountability partner to ya...I've only been on this site for 3 days, but already have cut my calories WAY back!!! Now I just need the motivation for the exercising part'd be nice to find a local work out buddy...BUT also to have the support for the other end. =)
  • Laguapa
    Laguapa Posts: 58
    So, how's it going? Do you still see any improvements?