3 lbs - 3 weeks

hi all, i joined MFP 3 weeks ago, i have excerised every day, except 2 days .. and i watch what i eat... and i still only lost 3 lbs :(

my first week i didn't lost anything, second week is when i lost the 3 lbs and this week i didn't lose anything (i check in every monday).

i know i'm not eating very healthy, i can't afford to .. but i still watch what i eat. i haven't been eating junk food etc. i cute all of that out.

i need to lose to stay motivated .. now i am not motivated .. i feel like i am doing it all for nothing since i'm not losing :(


  • HailyP
    HailyP Posts: 16
    thats the perfect amount! stick with it....its proven that slow weight loss stays off more than rapid
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    but i lost it all in one week? not a lb a week

    thank you
  • janieann
    3 lbs in 3 weeks is great! Just think what it will be by the first of the year if you average a lb every week.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I have been slowly losing weight since July. So far I'm down 27 pounds but I stopped working out and have still lost more. I think it's because now I can watch my food intake better. But believe me, don't give up, because that'll only take you backward. Although you aren't seeing the loss you want to see, you maybe losing in inches, as they say.. and trust me in no time you'll see results. Stay positive! You can do this!
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    You are doing great! I only lost 0.4lbs last week.....A pound a week is a good thing!!!!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I have actually found that when I shop and buy fresh fruits and veggies and things I spend less than when I buy junk and processed foods.... If you plan ahead and make a good list before you go to the grocery store it helps!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    If your just starting it's normal to have a 1 pound loss per week. I went through the same thing for the first 3-4 months in my journey and started April 2010. I was losing 1lb a week. It takes time. Keep trying, and don't give up! :smile:
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    keep it up. your're on track.
  • mom2mcs
    mom2mcs Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the first comment TOTALLY. You have lost overall average a lb a week which is the recommended amount. Remember that if you are exercising more than you normally have that you are also gaining muscle mass which weighs more than fat. Also make sure you are taking in enough calories as not to put your body in starvation mode. Last...water is free so drink drink drink- that will boost weight loss. Just remember....don't quit....what's the alternative? Stop and gain it back and maybe more?? You are doing your body good by not only trying to lose weight but your heart and lungs are healthier. Great job!!!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water! Otherwise your body will hold onto the water if you dont drink enough which causes water weight. Also, take your start weight into consideration. If you dont have a ton to lose then its not going to come off as fast as it would if you had quite a bit to lose. Just keep up the good work and the results will come. One day when you weigh in and you least expect it you will see a crazy loss and be like "Where did that come from????" All in good time...
  • emills88
    emills88 Posts: 28 Member
    I checked out your food diary and you might want to consider that you were a little under, on the day that I looked anyway. The 1200 is what you want to hit. Under that can put you into starvation mode, although you don't want to go over either, I usually shoot for less than 100 in either direction. However, if you are exercising it is better to shoot for the little bit over. Also, try some chicken breasts, if you are short on money, there are some sneaky ways to make it last longer, such as I only eat 1/2 a chicken breast and a big portion of veggies. Also, try frozen veggies, they are usually cheaper than the cans if you do the math. Don't be afraid to look like a nerd in the grocery store, I take a calculator with me every time because I have a set budget I cannot go over. A big bag of apples is usually around $5, look for deals! And don't feel like you have to buy everything prepackaged, those are usually worse for you because of the additives to keep them 'fresh' longer! I hope this helped! If you'd like some extra support on your daily habit add me as a friend! I'd be happy to help you! And keep you motivated!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    One thing I don't think was mentioned yet is that you should take at least one break day from exercising to give your body time to repair itself.

    From http://www.momlogic.com/2009/05/weight_loss_mistakes.php

    2. TOO MUCH EXERCISE: Exercise is an essential part of maintaining long-term health and weight control. However, there is in fact such a thing as doing too much exercise, or exercising too intensely. Exercise is hormonally depleting, especially for women over 40.

    If exercise is experienced as stressful, this can stress the adrenal glands. Adrenal glands make cortisol in response to stress. When there is too much cortisol release, the body goes into the "save" mode I mentioned earlier, and will retain weight, especially around the midsection. This is one of the most tricky subjects for me to discuss with my patients who are over 40, are healthy eaters, exercise intensely, and are frustrated by lack of weight loss or even weight gain despite all their efforts.

    You have to exercise smarter, not harder. For example, exercise programs that include weight-lifting will build muscle mass, which in turn raises the overall metabolic rate. This makes a person burn more calories, even at rest! In other words, it's not just about burning calories by exercising harder. If your best efforts at weight loss are not working well, you may be over-exercising.

    3. NOT ENOUGH SLEEP! When you understand the work done by the adrenal glands, it becomes clear why not getting enough sleep, or good enough sleep quality, can cause weight retention or weight gain.

    We talked in the last section about excess cortisol release caused by stress. Cortisol is released when we are tired and don't rest -- it's what keeps tired women from falling asleep at the wheel while they are ignoring their fatigue and running around doing all the things they have to do every day. Perimenopause and menopause-related symptoms can also interfere with good sleep quality. Depression (which is not a "natural" part of menopause) can also disrupt sleep. Stressful life events, such as the loss of a loved one, also cause cortisol release (both by interfering with sleep and from the stress itself).

    Chronic lack of sleep leads to cortisol release, which also leads to craving junk food -- all of which of course leads to weight gain. Because this kind of weight gain is mostly around the abdominal area, we feel "bloated" and uncomfortable.

    Poor eating habits related to fatigue and stress make this a vicious cycle that prevents reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

    So, what everybody "knows" about how to lose weight leaves out some crucial information. These top three mistakes that people make in trying to lose weight are especially costly for women over 40. Yes, you have to eat well and keep fit, but you have to keep a balance, and you have to get enough rest!
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thank you all so much!