Starting Over Again!

Hello everyone! I am starting MFP all over again! I had pretty good results before, then ended up stopping. I have now gained that weight back plus some! My goal is to lose 20 pounds. I would love some new friends to keep me motivated, and share their weight loss journeys with me!

If any of you would like to add me please do! Let's stay in contact and motivate each other! :)


  • mom22nteaching
    mom22nteaching Posts: 32 Member
    me too. I used to do weight watchers but gave up about 3 years ago. I am starting back on MFP looking to lose 30lb.
  • mombod82514
    mombod82514 Posts: 33 Member
    Nice to meet ya Jen, my name's Cody.
    Thanks for the add!