Starting again....

Hey all I was here about a year ago, Lost some weight, then fell off the wagon hard. I am realizing it is me and only me that can make this change and it is soooo important. Not only is it important for my health, sanity, and mental health, it is also important for future career endeavors, my parenting abilities and everything else important to me. I am changing a few things this time around though. First, I don't think I am going to weigh myself much. Last time I did this I religiously weighed myself every week. When I didn't see the scale do what I wanted I would binge. Now I am going to take pictures of myself and base things on how I am feeling. I vow not to become obsessed with this. Last time my whole world was based on my weight loss. I became kind of annoying, to myself, to my husband, and I am sure to everybody else as well. I am going to train my brain to track what I put in my mouth. After I have mastered tracking everything I will focus on what I am putting in it but do it gradually. I have no time frame in mind. I have a lot of weight to lose and I know it is going to take some years to accomplish this. Slow and steady is my new motto. I just want to change my frame of mind. I am graduating from graduate school in April as well so I feel like it is a great time to start working on myself slowly.

Friend me if you would like. Surrounding myself with positive people is very important to me. I have over 100 lbs to lose to be at goal. Again I am not going to weigh myself much though I feel like it is my downfall judging from past experiences. My focus right now is just tracking everything I out into my body.


  • TexasOFT76
    TexasOFT76 Posts: 475 Member
    Hey! I don't track as well as some others but it's a good practice to utilize! It sounds like you have a plan which you will continue to develop as you go. Stick to it and make it happen....Best of luck!!!
  • strongterra
    strongterra Posts: 7 Member
    Doing the same.. just trying to get into the habit of tracking after falling off the wagon.. :-)
  • Tarry0129
    Tarry0129 Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting over again too. I could also use positive people for motivation.
  • pahock
    pahock Posts: 27 Member
    I'm pretty much at ground zero too. 60 lbs to lose.
  • Izzylew2
    Izzylew2 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting again too! I've decided I can only weigh myself once a week, but I'm also taking measurement and pictures (even though I'm not going to be a fan of those pictures yet! haha) If you need another person on your support team, you can add me! We can do this :D
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Know how you feel.

    Been an over eater, emotional eater most of my adult life.

    I weigh and measure my food cause I always want to eat more than I need, but everyone should find their own way.

    I had a long period of good eating for more than six months awhile ago and didn't weigh myself more than twice - it really worked for getting sanity into my life. I also lost consistently - just small amounts, so it does work.

    Measure yourself occasionally, that's good.

    I have decided to not eat much highly refined carbohydrate, mainly cause its empty calories and I try for wholesome nutritional food.

    Best of luck.
  • Wifey7891
    it sounds like you're ready to begin the lifestyle change! the road ahead will be difficult but it will be so worth it! take progress pictures for yourself so when you plateau you can look back and see how far you have come already. will help to keep you motivated. I don't have as much to lose, but want to stay healthy. my problem is sticking with a workout routine. i eat healthy (most of the time), but after work its hard sometimes to stay motivated. i need to stop making excuses, set more goals, and just stick with it. gotta put in 100%, because like my fiance says, youre only cheating yourself, so you might as well give it everything you got!
  • GuateMamaX2
    I'm starting over again too. I had lost 160 pounds before but totally gave up and gained a ton after getting pregnant. My daughter is 1 and I still haven't lost any weight.

    We can do this!
  • Just now starting back at it..I would say I would like to lose 60 pounds maybe by summer???!!! If I'm lucky. Feel free to add me as well I would love to swap stories and take any tips.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: so glad you are coming back! I have been here since june 2012 & have lost over 125 pounds! I am on here everyday & give full support & encouragement to all my mfp friends! I have sent you a friend request! I think together we can support and encourage each other!