Weight Fluctuations

Don't you just hate it when one day you get on the scale, and it shows your weight went down, and then the next day you get on, and it shows like, a 3 pound increase? Lol

I constantly have to say to myself, it's water weight silly. I've had high sodium. I'm sore. I feel bad.

For anyone else who gets discourage by weight fluctuations, don't let them get you down! :D I'm getting better at ignoring them. They'll go away, and it'll show a decrease in weight!! :D

No idea why I wanted to post this... Guess I got depressed because of my weight. xD


  • JessyLovesJCS
    JessyLovesJCS Posts: 169 Member
    That's me lately! I was suddenly up 5 # on Sunday! Monday and Tuesday I lost the 5# and another 1/2#...then gained the 1/2# back this morning. :sigh:
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Very true!, if you are doing all the right things most of the time the number will eventually decrease. Mondays are not a good day for me so I weigh in on Tuesday or Wednesday and usually I will see a decrease. If there is an increase It usually isn't a shock and I can determine why. Ups and downs are part of the game.
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    My weight is awful for that! One day I'll be 134 and the next day 142lbs, and then back down the next day. I hate it.
  • Don't you just hate it when one day you get on the scale, and it shows your weight went down, and then the next day you get on, and it shows like, a 3 pound increase? Lol

    I constantly have to say to myself, it's water weight silly. I've had high sodium. I'm sore. I feel bad.

    For anyone else who gets discourage by weight fluctuations, don't let them get you down! :D I'm getting better at ignoring them. They'll go away, and it'll show a decrease in weight!! :D

    No idea why I wanted to post this... Guess I got depressed because of my weight. xD

    Thank you for posting and there are others out there like you. I have to do that to myself quite often. I know when I mess up and don't do things right but there are those days that I've done everything right and still this all of a sudden gain. I look back and see that I had more salt, or I over/under ate, I exercised more than normal, and sometimes even less than normal, all sorts of things cause this.

    I needed the reminder that happens to others too! And that these fluctuations will go away and the weight will decrease because I'm making that lifestyle change and getting better about handling even my "bad days".
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    that is why I do not weigh daily….
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If it is frustrating you, maybe stop weighing every day. Maybe every 2 weeks or once a month might be better for you mentally.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Yeah, it's just a part of life, eventually you learn to accept them.
  • Oh yeah same here. For me I can show an 8 lb difference. Gosh 3 lbs tells me I have to pee and 8 says "this damn scale is broken, whose been playing my foot rest?"
    Lol anyway, I try to laugh it off but it puts me in a bad mood sometimes.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Don't you just hate it when one day you get on the scale, and it shows your weight went down, and then the next day you get on, and it shows like, a 3 pound increase? Lol

    I constantly have to say to myself, it's water weight silly. I've had high sodium. I'm sore. I feel bad.

    For anyone else who gets discourage by weight fluctuations, don't let them get you down! :D I'm getting better at ignoring them. They'll go away, and it'll show a decrease in weight!! :D

    No idea why I wanted to post this... Guess I got depressed because of my weight. xD

    Thank you for posting and there are others out there like you. I have to do that to myself quite often. I know when I mess up and don't do things right but there are those days that I've done everything right and still this all of a sudden gain. I look back and see that I had more salt, or I over/under ate, I exercised more than normal, and sometimes even less than normal, all sorts of things cause this.

    I needed the reminder that happens to others too! And that these fluctuations will go away and the weight will decrease because I'm making that lifestyle change and getting better about handling even my "bad days".
    Yeah, I ate way under yesterday! Guess that's a big reason. :D

    And I just weight myself daily to see how different foods affect me. I find it fascinating! :)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    If it is frustrating you, maybe stop weighing every day. Maybe every 2 weeks or once a month might be better for you mentally.
    That would be a far worse disaster for me, because if I weighed on a good day and then a month later I weighed on a bad day and I happened to "gain" I would be so disheartened. Weighing myself daily under the same conditions shows me unequivocally that my weight fluctuates daily by up to 5 pounds. You get desensitized to it after a while. It's the trends that matter.
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    It happens to everyone, relax :)
  • bjkinkade
    bjkinkade Posts: 6 Member
    I totally agree as if you weigh occasionally and it is a bad day then I would be totally depressed. Suffering from hypothyroid and menopause just added to the depression and water weight and daily weigh ins at least keeps me trying to eat clean. But it is awful when it can go up 3-5 pounds overnight and then it never comes off like that!
  • I am having a similar issue in the last two and a half weeks I was able to go from 268 to 258 but the last two days I've been weight around 266 to 264 and I'm forsure if it's due to gaining muscle or what ??
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    But it is awful when it can go up 3-5 pounds overnight and then it never comes off like that!
    I joke it's like the price of gas! Jumps up in huge increments and then takes forever to get back down :laugh:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    IMHO, weighing daily is better and you just need to get over the fluctuations and stop thinking of them as a real measure of your success. Do not let the scale dictate how you feel that day. Also, it's a good idea to use other methods in conjunction with weighing like body measurements, bodyfat %, progress pics, trying on old clothes, etc. I'm essentially the same weight as I was last winter but my jeans and winter jacket are super loose so I know I've lost inches.

    Hell, between PMS and a couple of high sodium days, I was up 4 pounds this morning! Going by my calorie intake, I should be down a pound by all rights but that's just not how it works...
  • I gained 4 pounds, and lost six these past 3-4 days. All weigh-ins were in the morning before breakfast and after emptying my bladder. WEIRD and totally annoying.
  • bjkinkade
    bjkinkade Posts: 6 Member
    I so agree as when people say do not weigh as often then like you said what if it is a bad day you pick! unfortunately I can go up 4-5 overnight and unlike others do not lose in the next few days. With menopause and hypothyroidism and being an athlete I get so discouraged!
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I weigh in daily under the same conditions because I need to see patterns. If my weight stays the same for four-five days then I know that is my new weight.

    If weighed in weekly or every two weeks it may not be accurate.

    I do not trip off of fluctuations as I'm fully aware that weight fluctuates throughout the day and sometimes something I ate or drink may take a few days to taper off.

    I will say I have never fluctuated more than four pounds. I'm hearing some of you saying high numbers, that's unfortunate! lol... I'd be a little freaked out to if my scale said it went up damn near 10lbs! Definitely doesn't sound right. I'd be buying a new scale! lol.. but nah I guess it happens ... thank goodness it doesn't happen to me. LMAO...

    But, if you weigh yourself daily you just got to be strong enough not to let the numbers upset you. If they do then maybe you need to not weigh daily.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    yea my weight goes up and down like crazy day to day