I'm fat

Hi, new here.

I used to weigh 300 pounds (I am 5 feet tall) but went down to 140 before getting pregnant with my second daughter. I shot up to 200 pounds during that pregnancy and am now at 185. My daughter is 1 year old and I've really put weight loss on the back burner.

I had a bit of a health scare and turns out it was due to my weight. So yeah, here I am determined to lose this fat again!

I suck at the introductions so I hope to post more in the forum and if you have any questions feel free to ask! :D


  • MonsonD60
    MonsonD60 Posts: 36 Member
  • Marsidote
    Marsidote Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey!
  • thinin2014now
    Welcome GuateMamaX2. I just joined too. Don't look at the past, look at the future. Life is about the journey and all the things we experience. Keep smiling! :smile:
  • megz2107
    Think of the happy things that have happened to you - you have a beautiful daughter! Now it's time to do something for yourself. Work hard towards your goal and it will eventually happen. Good luck!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Welcome. I'm also 5 feet tall
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    at least you are here to do something about it and get healthy, not just for you but your children! welcome and all the best in your journey!
  • balderdashi
    balderdashi Posts: 1 Member
    U lost over 150 lbs. In the past :-) I'm sure u can do it again!. Sending u my best wishes.
  • GuateMamaX2
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!! I know I can do this... I just hate the beginning. Once I get started things start to become habit!

    It'll be a lot more fun having people around to give advice or tips along the way!
  • reneemosley
    reneemosley Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome....5ft has its challenges, but you got this. Your setting an example for your daughter.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    You lost so much already be proud of yourself look at the positives and don't slip into the negative.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome to the site, you are in the right place to start making the changes you want to make. You can do this. :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Don't feel bad! When I got married, I had lost over 30lb's, and was down to around 170 or so, I believe. Soon after I gained a litle weight back, then we decided to get pregnant, gained a little more, quit smoking, gained a little more. After I had my baby, I was back up to 210 again. Right back where I started! Now I'm down to 142, and this is the skinniest I've ever been! I've been overweight since I was 10yo, so this is a big deal for me. I've actually been as heavy as 260lb's, at one time, during nursing school. My goal is 130, and like I said, I'm 142 now, but have a good bit of muscle on me too. You can do it! Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can!!! The thing that worked for me was zumba. I've always loved to dance, so I fell in love with it from day one! And it burns so many calories, that I can eat what I like with a little self control. I also lift weights, and try to eat healthier. I shoot for high protein, and carbs from whole wheat/whole grain pastas and breads. I also try to eat more fruits n veggies, and that about sums it up. I'm not real super strict about what I eat anymore, although I used to be. I usually eat between 1,700-2,000, based on how much I workout. I have a bodymedia, and it helps a lot. I love it! Good luck to you!!! :happy: :drinker:
  • GuateMamaX2
    Don't feel bad! When I got married, I had lost over 30lb's, and was down to around 170 or so, I believe. Soon after I gained a litle weight back, then we decided to get pregnant, gained a little more, quit smoking, gained a little more. After I had my baby, I was back up to 210 again. Right back where I started! Now I'm down to 142, and this is the skinniest I've ever been! I've been overweight since I was 10yo, so this is a big deal for me. I've actually been as heavy as 260lb's, at one time, during nursing school. My goal is 130, and like I said, I'm 142 now, but have a good bit of muscle on me too. You can do it! Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can!!! The thing that worked for me was zumba. I've always loved to dance, so I fell in love with it from day one! And it burns so many calories, that I can eat what I like with a little self control. I also lift weights, and try to eat healthier. I shoot for high protein, and carbs from whole wheat/whole grain pastas and breads. I also try to eat more fruits n veggies, and that about sums it up. I'm not real super strict about what I eat anymore, although I used to be. I usually eat between 1,700-2,000, based on how much I workout. I have a bodymedia, and it helps a lot. I love it! Good luck to you!!! :happy: :drinker:

    I just bought a zumba DVD... well, it came in a Special K cereal box! haha I wanted to start it but I always feel goofy!
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    Welcome! I'm fat too, that's why I'm here. ;)
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I am fat too. Eat as well as you can, log everything you eat, and take every opportunity to move, even if its just laps around the grocery store.
  • Dargealing
    Dargealing Posts: 58 Member
    hey i'm only 4 ft & 11 1/2 inches. Small frame and small boned. i have dealt with weight issues just about all my life. Since joining MFP
    I lost 22 lbs and have kept most of it off and am still fitting into my new size clothes after almost 2 years. this is the longest I have ever kept it off, Being acountable on this website kinda helps you stick with it, so I wish you well on your journey and hope you keep us posted. Look up Leslie Sansone on youtube. She has some easy walk fit routines that are good even on those wicked weather days as all her routines are done inside. and you can keep an eye on baby, and children and do your 1-5 miles, and she has strength training while you walk.. don't need much room and off you go to losing weight. she has modifiers so if you can't do all the lifts at first you don't have to.. I love doing her routines.. these are just suggestions, but a good start. hope you have success in your journey. youtube has lots of exercise gurus and routines done by all sorts of people and all age groups.. you can't get bored.. too many choices..
  • whitebeard28
    We are all fat or we wouldn't be on here ..LOL!! Congrts on the baby girl ( now 1 yr old), and congrats for starting back down on your weight...185...not bad just keep going little at a time. BEST OF LUCK AND MERRY XMAS!!
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome and good for you to get back on top of your weight. You are in good company. I'm fat but like you am taking control. You and your children will benefit from healthy eating. Good luck on your journey.
  • deniseszepi1
    Hi, I am Denise it is so nice to meet real people that are working on weight loss that have many of the same issues I do! I had always been that skinny girl growing up but with 4 kids, several bad marriages, health issues my weight went out of control. Had the hardest time admitting I was fat. There I said it.....any one else struggle With this line of thinking?