Graze Box invitation code - PLEASE!



  • US only invitation code: MARISS32P

    First Graze box FREE with code! Once you order your first box, you have the option of receiving a box bi-weekly or monthly. Canceling is also pretty easy.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    Once you sign up, share your code here!!! If you are in the US, each code you share that gets used is a dollar off your next box. :)
  • If anyone still needs a code: MP5TQQ3VP

    That one is for the US and still has 4 uses left as of now.
  • I have another code since the first I posted is now used up. The new code is: RS7ZDN6DP

    It has 3 uses left as of now and is also for the US.
  • I also have a US code and willing to share: JOYELL8FP

    4 uses left
  • My (US) friendcode is PEYTON5VP! I have four uses left :)
  • Hey guys, I have been using Fitness Pal for a week now. I started at 404 lbs., and as of this morning I weighed in at 399 lbs. I just heard about Grazs on a TV commercial and I need a Grazs Code. Please help me. Thanks in Advance

    4 uses left: JODIB2WGP

    3 uses left: GLENB247P

    enter these invitation codes and get your 1st and 5th box FREE!!!!
  • Graze friendcode (this one has four uses left as of Nov. 16, 2013): YWJK3MRLE

    Whoever wants to try Graze and needs a friendcode, please enjoy!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    NF9ZR1CDP-3 uses left

    1st and 5th box free!!
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I have a US code. Enjoy.

  • A US-based code: NHUNGN9FR :)
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    It says I have 2 left - heathyr2kp. Not sure if they'll work since I tried it out and decided not to continue - though I loved the boxes and the snacks were all pretty awesome, I decided to pause at least until after the holidays and then decide if I wanted to do it again.

    Anyway...go for it, try to use the code if anyone needs it :)
  • mystic665
    mystic665 Posts: 4 Member
  • thanks for the code mystic! If get one I'll reciprocate and post one later in return.
  • strongswan
    strongswan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm still looking for a code if anyone has one please!
  • 4PH669P7P
    1st & 5th box free!
    US Only
    Unlimited uses left!
  • oyuki
    oyuki Posts: 1
  • Veronica----Thank you! Your code worked deliciously well for me!

    Here is a friend code if anyone is looking :)
