1600 calories

any one eating those many calories with macros set as
carb-120, fat -62, protein-140

please i want a sample meal plan which does not have any supplements like protein powder etc. i want REAL FOOD


  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Bump for ideas
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I eat a little more but you are free to peruse my diary.... there are 3 weeks I was gone for death in the family but the rest should be there...

    and I eat... a lot :laugh:
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    You eat clean but your carb intake is high . I am looking for ideas with low carb and high protein
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Mine is a tad higher than yours and I do a lowish carb intake but I do use protein powder on days that are lacking. Feel free to check it out. :)
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    You eat clean but your carb intake is high . I am looking for ideas with low carb and high protein

    I eat very high protein and no reason for low carb anything lol my macros are set 40/30/30 which is actually quite good :) If low carb is your thing - go for it. Not something I can personally do especially for a very long time (lifetime).

    ETA... I don't eat "clean" or whatever that is... I eat good and I eat what I want including wine, ice cream, chocolate, cake, pizza... ummm bacon...
  • sl017
    sl017 Posts: 1
    Check out this site, (http://scoobysworkshop.com/cutting-meal-planner/) you can make some adjustments to suit your needs.
    I use this ratio with good results, (45%p 30%c 25%f ) I do drink one shake w/flax after weight training and only occasionally take fish oil, I also substitute dry beans for the oatmeal it keeps the carbs down.
  • I'm at a recommended 1720 cal/day here's what they recommend for me:

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
    1,720 237 57 65 2,500 34

    let me know if you're interested in seeing my dailies
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    I have pcos and am supposed to have low carb diet

    I can reach 1600 calories easily with whole grains, legumes, and vegetables but my carb count will be very high so trying to figure out and play with the macro which I have mentioned above

    Someone close to those numbers please help
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm at a recommended 1720 cal/day here's what they recommend for me:

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
    1,720 237 57 65 2,500 34

    let me know if you're interested in seeing my dailies
    My carb intake should be around 120 gms, which I am finding hard to reach . Ususllu I go overboard with healthy carbs
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I have pcos and am supposed to have low carb diet

    I can reach 1600 calories easily with whole grains, legumes, and vegetables but my carb count will be very high so trying to figure out and play with the macro which I have mentioned above

    Someone close to those numbers please help

    gotcha... see I don't have issues with carbs and love them...all of them LOL there is probably a PCOS group on here that you can join and get tips from them?

    The only thing wrong with me is a dead thyroid :laugh:
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    on Oct 22 and Oct 28 I was well under 120g.... you can check those 2 days to see if there is any food that stands out for you... I do alot of recipe building so I have those recipes and the actual amounts used (if you want them).
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You eat clean but your carb intake is high . I am looking for ideas with low carb and high protein

  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    She said why: PCOS.

    I have it too and I'm trying to get by BG down. If you have a meter, check which carbs are fine with your system. Legumes are usually quite low GI, and my meter shows that I can in fact eat a lot of them with no bad spike!

    I log my diary on a different site (have for years), but all I do is a bunch of dairy, legumes for protein when I can't stand more meat (I'm not big on meat) and some supplemental protein in those drink mixes folks use. Oh, and I can eat Special K Protein Plus cereal and not get a spike! I like that for its crunch and the protein level isn't bad at all :) I eat it as a dry snack where I used to love eating pretzels, lol. No pretzels or potato chips now that my BG has gone up, nope.
  • YouHadMyCuriosity
    YouHadMyCuriosity Posts: 218 Member
    I only sporadically log on here, but one of my favorites is using a La Tortilla Factory low carb tortilla (only 80 calories, and packs some protein in!) And loading it up with either chicken breast, roast beef, turkey pepperoni, etc, some cheese, and veggies. It really helps me get up in protein when I don't want to do a shake. Or a big bowl of chicken veggie soup sans noodles (I make a big pot and eat it throughout the week.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I have pcos and am supposed to have low carb diet

    I can reach 1600 calories easily with whole grains, legumes, and vegetables but my carb count will be very high so trying to figure out and play with the macro which I have mentioned above

    Someone close to those numbers please help

    Just eat fruit and vegetables....use less carb dense ones. You don't need to eat grains or legumes.

    I eat more protein than you, but get it from mainly "real" food. I use some gelatin and WPI, but most of my protein is from meat, eggs, and a little from my vegies.