Push for the seriously unmotivated?

I've been sedentary for years and never liked it. I've always wanted to be strong, fit and active but I just have no motivation. I'm not overweight (actually trying to gain weight), so all the stuff about getting skinny goes over my head. I've looked at pictures of bodies I'd love to have and learned the health benefits of being active, but every single time I start a regimen I just quit after a month. Not because it's too hard or because it hurts. The burn feels nice actually. But just out of laziness. Even now, I'm putting it off by posting here and insisting that I should wait for an answer before I do anything.

Nothing seems to stick. At one point I ran out of touching quotes to tell myself and went with the "just do it" attitude and even that didn't really help. I'm enthusiastic for a month and then oops, skipped a day, and then another, and then another... I can be sitting doing nothing and be consciously thinking about how I wish I was doing something productive, and then still not get up and do it.

Even this morning, I was super pumped to start working out again but then thought of one little unpleasant thing scheduled later in the day and my enthusiasm went away. How can I not lose my drive so easily? What made it stick for you?


  • I'm having a similar issue, but I can't even get going for that first month that you do. So take pride in the little steps you've accomplished, just keep trying. That's all anyone can do.you will find your nitch, maybe try different routines. Like biking instead of ruining, hiking, or swimming. Maybe find a companion to join you on your workouts. Either way I wish you luck, and good job so far.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    It doesn't have to be complicated. Simply walking is all that you need! I spent the entire year walking as exercise and managed to lose 91 lbs like that.

    I recommend getting a device to track your steps, which adds plenty of motivation. Such devices include BodyMedia (what I used), FitBit, etc.

    If you have a device like that, then you can get rewarded for exercise. Simply sync the device with websites like EarndIt and EveryMove to earn rewards for your exercise.

    Personally, I walked 15,000+ steps every day. I live in the city, so walking is essential to get anything done or even to go to work. I also walked during my hour lunch break, after work, on weekends, etc. Leading a busy life with a job doesn't mean exercise can't happen.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    The trick may be to find something that is excercise in disquise...like Wii games or something.
  • alltheweigh170
    alltheweigh170 Posts: 287 Member
    In the same boat. :-(
  • That's a really hard question to awnser. I don't think about the past, I don't think past today. I find thinking to far ahead demotivates me. I feel like I am not going anywhere. I feel discouraged and give up. So I worry only about today. Did I do my best today? Did I exercise? Did I log? Did I prove to myself today that I can do it? You only fail when you give up. I know I don't want to be a failure today. So for today I am a winner. And I'm gonna do what's best for me. So.... what's best for you today?
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    The trick may be to find something that is excercise in disquise...like Wii games or something.

    ^^This. Just working out for working out's sake isn't for everyone. Find a physical hobby/sport you like and do it. Or multiple hobbies. You may find over time you enjoy going to the gym. I started circus aerial arts and it was so fun, but in order to do anything you need to be really strong. I also like to mountain bike. I still don't love the gym, and if I had to do it seven days a week I'd go bonkers. But, I like to work out every day, so I alternate between activities.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    circus ariel arts? impressive.
  • adamdadkins
    adamdadkins Posts: 5 Member
    For me, it's a friend being harsh and laying it on the line with me. "If you're fine with being a loser...." and the such. It's part joking, part serious and enough to get me going. My personality might be different than yours, though.
  • Budpuffer & alltheweigh17- Thanks for the encouragement! There's some promising advice here already. There's still hope for us! I wish I could work out with my boyfriend. But he's already in such good shape that I'd just slow him down. Gonna have to find another buddy who's as potato-like as me.

    Determined_er: I didn't know there were reward apps.. A visible, closely-tangible reward would be a great motivator until I'm able to look at a long-term goal. I'll have to look into those apps after work. Bit of a soul-crushing job and the thing I mentioned in the first post that ruined my positive mood this morning...

    Handyrunner & husseycd: Those are really good suggestions. Working out only becomes enjoyable once you're already in decent shape, y'know? Until then making it a game, literally, would help a lot.

    Adam: My boyfriend can sometimes be that person for me. Of course he doesn't call me a loser but he does express disappointment when I haven't worked out. You must have a tougher skin than me, though- when that happens I tend to just feel bad rather than motivated.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    The trick may be to find something that is excercise in disquise...like Wii games or something.

    This over and over again.

    I lift. I hate cardio. I might do it twice a month and only because I am uber bored at the gym. I am at a maintence / drop last few pounds point but will say once I started lifting heavy I found I love the gym. I love watching the weights go up and seeing myself get stronger. :)