HELP WANTED: Awesome friends

Hey everyone!
I'm looking for some awesome people to take this weight loss journey with me! I'm starting 2014 goals a little early but I couldn't wait any longer to see the real me that's been hiding under all this fat!! Lol , this is my second go around on mfp, the first time I successfully lost 35 pounds and was able to keep it off for the most part when life got complicated, but now IM BACK! One thing I learned the first time is that having a great group of friends who log daily and are active on mfp is the best support system that you could ever have. So that's what I'm looking for, CALLING ALL MFPERS!!! I'm 25, an midnight shift nurse and a foodaholic so if you think that we could encourage, motivate, push, and comfort each other during this process then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!? Good luck to everyone on their journey, and think about this: where would you be now, if you started when you first thought about it? Don't let another day go by and regret not DOING something!


  • bicste
    bicste Posts: 11
    well done for you for losing all that weight in the first place! I'm sure you'll have what it takes to do it again :)
    I'm also far too in love with food, and looking for someone to motivate me into some better habits! (I'm currently at the 'oh I'll start tomorrow' stage, especially with all the Christmas food around!)
  • Quantumanthem
    Feel free to add me! :)

    Congrats on loosing that weight! :) It is so hard, especially with xmas season arrghhh but well done on making a start to your 2014 fitness goals! I'm in the same shoes as you.. I can't wait any longer. I started just today.

    Add me so we can encourage each other! :)
  • benson3436
    Hey! Congrats on loosing the weight! Like the other people said, it is hard to do with all of that Christmas food around! I've lost about 70 pound of my course of 11 months! Still have about 45 pounds to go and then I will be content I believe! Once again, great job and Merry Christmas!
  • smand2000
    Foodie-aholic-ism in full effect!. Plus a fellow late night denizen as well. Just starting up, congrats on your success the first time, certain you'll be able to do it again!
  • sarahyourprincess
    sarahyourprincess Posts: 36 Member
    Adding you, also a nurse but flipping shifts :P N/D's
    but I have more then a few pounds to lose ;)