What should I get from Starbucks?

Due to my employer being generous at the holidays, I now have $30 in Starbucks gift cards. I don't really drink coffee, and rarely go to Starbucks.

I need some suggestions, or else I'll just end up getting $30 worth of cake pops. And eat them in one sitting.


  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I hate all of their food-like products. I'd either regift it, or get a mug or something. Definitely nothing they try to pass off as "food".
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    ice tea, green tea, some passion tea they have, hot tea, buy a mug or coffee beans as a gift for someone.

    or mail it to me and ill use it for coffee
  • emmasage2u
    emmasage2u Posts: 19 Member
    iced tea, any of the Refreshers if you use caffeine, passion tea lemonade, 380 cals for protein bistro box, 150 cals for oatmeal with toppings and you can reduce by omitting nuts or dried fruit or sugar, 290 cals for spinach feta wrap, 220 cals for greek yogurt with betties. Also starbucks.com has nutritional information on all its offerings and you can find most of them on my fitness pal. ditto above. I'll be happy to use your gift card for coffee. : :wink:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    For the holidays: Skinny Peppermint Mocha

    My other fave drinks: Skinny Caramel Machiatto or Skinny Caramel Latte, Venti Shaken Ice Tea Black Unsweetened (basically just a plain ice tea)

    Food: Butternut Squash Savory Square, Spinach Savory Square, Spinach Feta Wrap, Protein Box, Ham Breakfast Sandwich

    Or you can always buy a nice mug or their cold drink cups - never can have to many cups. They also have a ton of holiday stuff if you need to still buy a gift for anyone.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I love their iced green tea Trenta size unsweetened...sooo good and 30 oz....so basically gets you hyper as frick....I bring my own Truvia to add.

    If you don't like that either I hear their bento boxes are good, and their fruit salad is good. I am allergic to yogurt, but also hear good things about their parfaits.

    They have good hot teas too.

    But if none of this works, why not use the 30 to get some coffee cups, or they sell CDs, or you can be really tacky (well that's what some say...I say resourceful) and re-gift it :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Give away the cards as a gift to someone that likes Starbucks? Or sell the cards to someone for $30.
  • Just_Scott
    Just_Scott Posts: 1,766 Member
    One of those foo foo doo dads...with 'fruit' on the bottom, and some crumbly junk on top......that thing right there in the fridge....
  • newtonk520
    newtonk520 Posts: 35 Member
    My favorite lately is a grande Earle grey tea late skinny. It's 150 calories and yummy.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    Sell the card.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Regular tea--NOT a tea latte or anything like that. If not that, then sell the card.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    salted caramel mocha frappucino. it's the only beverage from starbucks i consume, due to the cost. worth. every. penny. ridiculous calories, though- sometimes i have starbucks in lieu of lunch at school. i also try to stay away from regular coffee; the caffeine in their coffees is stronger than i prefer and it makes me shakey. honestly, i avoid all their hot beverages because it's like drinking heavy cream. blech.

    frappucinos, all the way.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    triple grande, 3 pump white chocolate mocha, non fat, no whip :heart:

  • 100toloose
    100toloose Posts: 151 Member
    They also have great sandwiches: tomato mozzarella caprese ... I believe a half a sandwich was 280 cals. It is in Barnes and nobles ,so I also bought some books in the same time.. otherwise : re-gift it!
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
    Maybe you could regift the the gift cards since you said don't go to starbucks often or like coffee?
  • kmjohn
    kmjohn Posts: 2 Member
    When I need a treat, I often have the mango banana smoothie for lunch you can get it skinny. It is wonderful and lasts a long time. somewhere between 200-300 calories. The chocolate banana is also good, but not as satisfying in that the chocolate makes me crave other things. The mango banana is well worth it. And filling. I often get an iced vente-4 decaf shots. Then tell them to fill the entire vente cup with ice and I go to the condiment bar and add skim milk to it. Very good and less than a hundred calories. Lasts me at work all afternoon.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    My favorite non-coffee cold-weather drinks at Starbucks are the chai latte (you can get it with nonfat milk) and steamers (steamed milk with one of the flavored syrups they used in the coffee drinks -- peppermint and toffee are my favorites. I believe the default milk is 2%, but you can it with nonfat, and remember to tell them no whip if you don't want whipped cream.) (I make them at home with cooking extracts -- e.g., almond extract -- and a little sugar in hot milk.)

    If it's warm where you are, the iced teas are pretty good. I like the passion tea lightly sweetened (2 pumps in a grande).
  • embaudin
    embaudin Posts: 45 Member
    Bottled water is probably the best bet there :P But... And I'm not sure if its the same in the US as in the UK.... but out here they started doing healthy 'bistro boxes'. Things like couscous with mediterranean veg, salad with hock ham, they even do a small 'cheese selection' one with plain oat biscuits, apples, grapes (obviously not the healthiest one there - but quite nice to share with a friend whilst having a cup of tea from there).

    If none of the above appeals/is available - sell the card, give it to another family member. Just because you have it doesn't mean you HAVE to use it xxx
  • ffargynnig
    ffargynnig Posts: 60 Member
    You can get your tea with just honey (or nothing at alll!) They also have fruit
    and small bags of mixed nut for healthy options. The are ussually by the checkout counter.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    If it's warm where you are, the iced teas are pretty good. I like the passion tea lightly sweetened (2 pumps in a grande).

    Try it with raspberry syrup rather than the classic (simple) syrup. (Passion is a red, hibiscus-based herb tea aka tisane, similar to Celestial Seasonings' zingers.)
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    I like their spinach feta wrap for breakfast with a hot tea.