FitBit Users

Im thinking of buying a FitBit.

I'd love to hear your reviews, pros and cons.



  • nursied
    nursied Posts: 21 Member
    Make sure to look at many different reviews and specifically to the phone etc you would use it with.
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    I have a fitbit zip. I love it. But it only gives you a average amount of steps based on the information you input when you set up your account online. If you want a truly accurate count of your steps you have to go someplace that has a measured distance and count the steps that you walk or run for that distance. Then input that to your account. Otherwise you will get a count that is the average for your height.
  • phoenixtoohot
    I was pretty excited when I first heard about the Fitbit and used one for awhile. I had no interest in saving the data because most of my exercise activity is cycling, rowing and running. The Fitbit would only give me "credit" for walking steps. So I went back to my old Omron Pedometer which counts steps and aerobic steps, so at least it gives me a better calorie credit for my cycling and running.

    The main benefit to me with either, is that they motivate you to do more steps each day. My wife and I compare our steps and try to outdo each other. I park further out in the parking lots and get off the couch more often, just so I can get to my daily goal of 10,000 steps.

    They sure have sold a lot and thet do have a motivational aspect, so if it's exciting to you, go for it.
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    So it doesnt count your heart rate or your calories burned???
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    So it doesnt count your heart rate or your calories burned???

    It does count your calories burned. Not heart rate.
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    Hmmm..That doesnt sound very accurate. =(

    Dont you need it to track your heart rate to track accurate calories burned?
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    It's giving you an average amount of calories burned based on the number of steps you take and the information ( age, height, weight, male or female) you input when you sign up for a account. It's not 100% accurate. It doesn't calculate my distance and steps properly when I go running. It under calculates. I know this because I have a gps watch and I run the same way most days. But it still does the trick for me. I have my fitbit account connected with my mfp account. I am losing about 1 pound a week. And having the fitbit actually upped my calories on mfp.:smile:
  • brianlyne
    A timely thread for me for sure. I travel for a living and have thought about getting something to keep track of day to day walking. Walking from the parking, the trains, all the various terminals, customer sites, etc are certainly adding up so I thought this would be a way to quantify it all. Also having something to say "get up and walk" every so often is probably a good thing, work tends to be hours working at the computer and a break every so often is probably a good idea, even if its just to get a drink of water for a few mins.

    Anyone have any experience with the sleep tracking? I'm not a fan of wearing things to bed so not sure if I'll use it for that but curious what folks might have for feedback on it.