Are my calories too high??



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OR my issue could be that I gained the weight from splurges that added up and it's not that 1500 is too much but that my weight loss is slower at this level so I just haven't seen any immediate/noticeable weight loss at this level?

    Well, I'd normally ask about the measurements, but it seems you may be retaining water due to your period. I'd just wait until that passes and reassess.
  • Joey2552
    Joey2552 Posts: 8 Member
    There is just so many factors to list and I don't think I'll go into detail here.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Here's another thought: I know my non-exercise burn (NEAT) is about 300 calories/day lower now (winter) than it was in the summer because I'm just not getting out to parks, beaches, doing yard work and stuff. Is it possible the new job has you moving less over all, right at a time when you may have increased cals? Doesn't sound like there has been a huge shift, but it's worth bringing calories down maybe just a touch to see if you can get a downward trend established again on the scale if that's what you want.
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    Mostly cardio. That's where you're going wrong. You need to be doing resistance training in conjunction with calorie counting and watching your macros (fats, carbs and proteins). You then and only then will lose weight. I was doing cardio 4/5 days a week with minimal effect - as soon as I switched to resistance the difference was remarkable.

    It was the opposite for me, I did cardio and lost like a champ...started lifting weights and my weight loss slowed waay down. My guess is you should still lose at 1500 calories, just cut the cheat days & give it a little more time.

    Thank you. I might try this. Cardio seems to work for me. Some light weight training might work too but the cardio seems to work with my weight loss when I'm eating the right amount of cals. I will cut the cheat days. Thanks!
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    There is just so many factors to list and I don't think I'll go into detail here.

    okkaay.. well thanks for your input.
  • kimf79
    kimf79 Posts: 59 Member
    Here's another thought: I know my non-exercise burn (NEAT) is about 300 calories/day lower now (winter) than it was in the summer because I'm just not getting out to parks, beaches, doing yard work and stuff. Is it possible the new job has you moving less over all, right at a time when you may have increased cals? Doesn't sound like there has been a huge shift, but it's worth bringing calories down maybe just a touch to see if you can get a downward trend established again on the scale if that's what you want.

    Thank you. Yeah you're right. I'm pretty much sitting at my desk all day. I'm using my brain a lot more but not moving around during the day, though I've still tried to make it to the gym a few times a week.

    Also I was unemployed before so I was going to the gym 5-6 days per week, and I was getting a lot of sleep, which I think helped my weight loss.

    Maybe once I adjust to these schedule changes my body will get going again. In the meantime maybe I will lower cals to 1400. Thanks :)