met my calories but stomach I eat more?

sroseber Posts: 197 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been eating around 1250-1300 cals (since I started on Sunday, I've lost 2 lbs already )and if I walk the dog I'll eat back most or all of the calories burned doing that (about 130 usually). Sunday through yesterday I've been good, great actually, but today I've been more tired and a little hungrier and having slight cravings. Should I eat more? Would one day eating more (healthy) calories be good or bad for my weight loss efforts? I feel hungry but part of me doesn't want to go over the amount I've been eating. I figured up my calorie goals for if I want to lose 2 lbs, 1 1/2 lbs, and 1 lb a week. Those amounts are 1276, 1526, and 1776. So I could eat more but I don't want to slow the great progress I've been making!

to eat or not to eat???


  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    In my experience when my body is telling me to eat, I should eat. I had a week were I was absolute ravished all the time and ate like a bottomless pit and actually ended up lossing more weight that week then i did most normal weeks. Maybe you burned more calories then you realized and that is way you are so hungry now?
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    your body is telling you to eat, so I would eat.

    It will be okay if you go over just a little or so.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Depends if it's late or not. I'm sitting here a little hungry, but it's 10:30 and I don't want to eat a snack then go to sleep. If it's early for you, I would have a snack!
  • lthies
    lthies Posts: 4
    have you eaten yet? I think you should eat today if you're hungry - sometimes hunger is from a drop in our blood sugar and if we don't eat something (healthy) then the body goes into starvation mode, slowing down metabolism and it's harder to lose weight!

    You should look at what you've been eating over the course of the day though, as to why you are hungry... maybe some things with high glycemic index? They usually lead to a sudden spike in blood sugar (so you feel very full to begin with) but don't keep you feeling full for long (Which might be why I always get that sickly full feeling after McDonalds, and a few hours later I'm starving again!) Whereas foods with a low GI, such as brown rice, wholemeals etc will make you feel full for a lot longer, and hopefully you won't reach your calorie intake and still be hungry!

  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    No, suck it up.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    It's 10:30 here too but my eating plan allows me to eat up to an hour before bed and I'll probably be up at least another hour. I think I'm going to get something, the longer I sit here the more my stomach growls, I always thought if your stomach growled you should eat because your body is telling you it's hungry but I don't remember where I heard it to know if it was something to follow. Getting a snack with fingers crossed that it doesn't screw things up! Thanks ladies!
  • 1godiva
    1godiva Posts: 5
    some foods are more filling then others. you may need to adjust what it is that you reach for. also i drink a glass of water before or with each eating occation. that helps to feel full and keeps you full longer.
  • hummingbird314
    hummingbird314 Posts: 78 Member
    Your body may be telling you it needs more water throughout the day. I learned this from a nutritionist. She said the first sign of needing water is the feeling of hunger. When you feel thirsty it is already past the time you should have had a drink.
    Just a thought.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I've already had more than 8 glasses of water today (though still not counting that out totally though)

    lthies: I combine protein, low GI and higher GI carbs at each meal and most snacks. I think I do need to examine the foods I had today verses the past few days though and see what the difference was as far as foods that would make me feel fuller that I may have missed out on today without realizing it.
  • lthies
    lthies Posts: 4
    sounds like you're eating pretty well then. might just be one of those hungry days! i wouldn't worry about a little snack now though - otherwise you'll wake up in the middle of the night and have to lie there listening to your stomach growl even louder! enjoy
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    There's one variable that you might not be taking into consideration.
    You say you eat most or all of your exercise calories. (~ 130).
    What are you doing to measure that?
    Is it possible you are burning more calories hence you are not eating enough.?

    IMO - I agree, your stomach is telling you that you need food.
    Have a small snack, you won't hurt your progress.

    If it happens again, start planning to have that snack later in the evening (ie 5-6 meals)
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    I agree with the "if you feel hungry - drink water", I do that and have a walk.

    If I still feel hungry I have an apple or orange - and that is my snack.

    To often I see that people have a "protein bar" or some other "artificial" product as a snack.

    The best snack I think is something that is as natural as possible, which has had nothing done to it (item of fruit, a few almonds etc). I think too many of the pre-made snacks seem to make me more hungry.

    It took me a while (well two weeks at the start) to wean myself of such artificial snacks. Now if I had to pick between biscuits or fruit I pick fruit every time.

    Doing this I have lost 15lbs in 55 days, without pain, without feeling hungry, and eating within my 1500 calories per day - in fact there are many days I have found it very difficult to even reach my allowable 1500 calories - and not once have I had a growling stomach or desire to binge on "bad" stuff.

    I have learnt to listen to my body, and recognise signs. I have also learnt what a real portion of food is, and by knowing that I can prepare food that is right. I change the size of the bowls and plates I used (I use a small rice bowl, and a small plate for all meals, and if it does not fit in that at a meal I do not eat it).

    It is amazing how you trick your brain into thinking it has had a lot of food when you have a plate full of food infront of you even if the plate is small and really less than half of what you would have had before. I also never eat out of a packet. All food has to be put on a plate, and I know the weight of food - so I really do know what the calories are.

    Well that's my few cents worth. It worked for me, and I have been very very suprised at just how easy it has been. Each week I am a couple of pounds lighter - without fail.
  • evanlyn
    evanlyn Posts: 16 Member
    Lots of good comments here. When I started I set myself a 'no eating between meals' rule, thinking this was a way to stop snacking but I had lots of growling stomach moments during the first week or so and soon realised that snacking can be a good thing, as long as they are good snacks. It takes a while to adjust to a new eating plan and to find out what works for you. In the mean time, I'd say that if you feel that you need to eat, go ahead. Occasionally going over your daily goal won't hurt in the long run.
  • djacdavis
    djacdavis Posts: 8
    I have found if I can wait about 45 minutes past the growling loud noises and uncomfortable feeling you actually aren't as hungry as the initial pains. Try water.
  • djacdavis
    djacdavis Posts: 8
    When you post your calories burned does it affect the total. I haven't seen my adjust and have only been a member a little over a week. Am I missing something or doing it wrong. I need those burned calories to offset any intake. Help.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    I try and eat something every 3 hours right up until 3 hours before bedtime. I'm never hungry because my body is always digesting :smile:
  • djacdavis
    djacdavis Posts: 8
    Gosh I hope I can lose weight over the next year like you have. I just joined and am getting adjusted.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    My opinion is if you are hungry, eat. Especially when you are set at that big a deficet.
  • I ate a snack and felt better
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Pick a healthier weight loss rate so you don't starve, IMO. 1lb a week is plenty.
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