
there are so many side effects when your big

- stop from having sex
- you lose confidence
- bad for your health
-you think that others may be speaking about you behind your back/looking at you
-Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death and disability for both men and women
-high blood pressure
-Sleep Apnoea
-Osteoarthritis- joint dissorder
-Gallbladder Disease

good thing about losing weight you feel good about yourself However, losing weight isn’t just about looking good, it is about feeling good; it’s about being healthy and living a productive and comfortable life. Above all, it is about avoiding the terrible health consequences of carrying around excessive weight.


  • bubblez_x3
    This is so true and sad at the same time. But that is what keeps me going!
  • crissi66
    So true. Im lucky my boyfriend is fantastic and tells me not to get on the scale. That its not about the number but how you feel about how you look.
  • jmbarragan
    jmbarragan Posts: 21 Member
    I have been married for 18 years, but can definatley say that my weight has had an impact on our sex life. If is good but not great because of me. It was just yesterday that i looked at myself while I was half dressed and was looking in the mirror hoping that my husband was not looking.

    I am glad you posted this. I have been looking for ways to motivate myself and I think your list hits almost all of my areas. Some to add is
    -granny swim suits
    -no cool clothes for cheap
    -unconforatable in my own skin
    -high cholestrol
    -high triglycerides
    -contantly judging yourself poorly (self lothing)

    Good list would be
    -fantastic clothes options at low prices
    -no mor granny suits
    -good health
    -improved self-image
    -improved confidence
    -having more fun/less time fretting over your weight

    I am going to meditate on them each day.

    Thanks for the idea!
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Great info you've got on here.

    I am not really ashamed of being naked with my boyfriend, he makes me feel like I'm slim, bless him.

    I find that if you're going to have fun with your OH, then you should forget what size you are and just enjoy each other. If he can look at you and you're not so slim but still want to hold you and touch you just as he did before when you were slimmer (for those of you who are married or have been in your relationship for years) then you shouldn't be ashamed. Yes it is a confidence thing, but if he doesn't care when in the bedroom, why should we? :)
  • sedwards2010
    very inspiring post. Its very true, I know I would rather feel healthy then look skinny.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Although I don't have a problem being naked infront of my fiance, I agree with those lists...i would love to buy clothes that don't cost out my butt in order to look classy. I want to wear a normal bathing suit, not the one with the skirt and hideous tops...I want to be able to pull my hair back withouth my face looking like a bowling ball...or stop tugging on my t-shirts when i sit down because it's caught in my rolls...or eat something without feeling like everyone's looking at me and calling me a fatty...that would be nice...but my fiance thinks i'm hot lol that's probably where my confidence comes from
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    In the dark, it's just skin!

    Embrace yourself no matter what size! :love:
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Sometimes you just have to love yourself!!:heart: Be happy with who you are.:bigsmile: Everything else will follow. With that being stated-I love being naked even more since I have lost weight:wink: , but I love buying all those lil hottie outfits to wear for him also.:laugh: