Ladies 5' 10 and OVER

Hey Ladies,

So there are many debates on BMI and weight for us bigger woman. At my leanest and meanest I was 170LB at 5'11. I had just left a 6 month military academy so obviously worked my *kitten* off there. I have had numerous doctors and Trainers tell me that for my body type (medium build) I should be no under 170lb and no more then 190LB. I see woman on here that are taller then me at 135lb!! What the heck?!?! I would like to hear from some of you tall girls about your goal weights and why they are your goals. No body bashing, I just am curious. I would also like to hear from any CERTIFIED TRAINERS too.


  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    I am 5'9 and its crazy I used to always be 135....I had a really high metabolism...but 6 years ago I was but on a med I have to take for the rest of my life and I gained 20lbs and looked great and that was good for me...but now I have gained due to some other stuff....170 IS GREAT FOR YOUR HEIGHT....BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE SO OBSESSED ON BEING SO THIN...ugly thin....I am on a 1600 cal diet on here and haven't really been consistant yet but I will not do a 1200 and shouldn' my opinion along with what my doctors you are right...I have never watched what I have ate or been on a diet but I have to change now...a way of life!!!!
  • I am sorry to hear about the medication. They are so toxic for your body. My mom had to do the same thing when her thyroid shut down. I am happy to hear that I am not the only one eating more then 1200 cal a day though haha. I had to make a life style change as well. I used to work until midnight most nights and the only thing open at that hour is nothing I should be putting into my body, but I did it anyway and I also had a life event that caused a lot of emotional eating. Thank you for sharing =)
  • I'm 5'11 and my goal weight is around 160, which was what I was at at my thinnest. I had boobs, butt, curvy figure and a flat tummy. I dont think that how much you weigh matters and when you are tall the high 130s can be a healthy weight depending on your body type, personally, I don't want to be that thin. I think you should aim for whatever you're comfortable and where you feel your sexiest! And woohoo other tall chicks!
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So there are many debates on BMI and weight for us bigger woman. At my leanest and meanest I was 170LB at 5'11. I had just left a 6 month military academy so obviously worked my *kitten* off there. I have had numerous doctors and Trainers tell me that for my body type (medium build) I should be no under 170lb and no more then 190LB. I see woman on here that are taller then me at 135lb!! What the heck?!?! I would like to hear from some of you tall girls about your goal weights and why they are your goals. No body bashing, I just am curious. I would also like to hear from any CERTIFIED TRAINERS too.

    135 may not be good for you. thats almost underweight accdg to the BMI calculator. you might look sickly.

    dont go lower than 150ish. if you already fit in the clothes you like and look great naked. then just stay there. to boney aint good in my opinion.
  • Werfam
    Werfam Posts: 29
    At 5'9, I have been every where on the scale. From 100 lbs ( with an eating disorder) to 135 ( with an eating disorder ) to my highest at 200(with an eating disorder) to now 160 (working on getting rid of an eating disorder ).

    It hasn't been easy , but finally I've learned it's not about the #, it's about how I feel and my health. ☺️