Christmas Party HELP!

Some say I'm foolish to have begun my voyage to losing weight too darn early. That I should have begun after the holidays. Well just as I told them... I'm sacrificing my holiday alcohol, Christmas cookies, and holiday parties with all those delectable treats in exchange to jump start my goals to be 40lbs by March 2014. To get in the gym before the "New Years Resolution'ers" bombard the gyms with their Jan 1 start dates... Which is cool. That was me...Just not this

But I do have ONE PARTY I MUST ATTEND...The Wonderful Gathering of the Slim & Skinny Family that I have. I really really don't want to be picked on, quizzed, nor reminded of how I've been at this point of losing weight before and here we are at yet another Christmas still talking the same thing year after year. This will all be attributed to me not being seen drinking a beer, (Hope they don't think I'm pregnant) nor do I plan to sip the whiskey/rum filled egg nog (which is so yummy & prepared about 2 weeks ago just for Christmas) or that my plate will not be piled high to the sky with all Cheesy, Sweet, Buttery, Slow cooked dishes...
Any Suggestions or Tips to seem normal around the family?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Drink wine instead of creamy eggnog stuff or beer and mix in a seltzer or something to make a spritzer (or just sip it slow)... then for appys/hors d'oevres just head for any veggie-based things and have a few. For the main meal, go for meat and veggies. Choose one carb side (or 2) and have a total of 1/2C of it (or both combined 1/4C each). If you worry you'll go overboard, eat a high protein snack/meal before you go - like eat a whole chicken breast. You will barely want to eat anything at the party. For dessert, just have one small piece of something.

    That's what I'd do anyway...
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Eat before you go so you aren't hungry. Then put something small on your plate and eat it as slowly as possible, or just keep it there.

    Carry around a glass of water with lemon or lime slices.

    Don't talk about your weight loss plans. If the subject comes up, remember that people love to talk about themselves, so get the topic off yourself and onto somebody else.

    Remember your sense of humor. Enjoy your friends and family and have fun.
  • Queen732
    I like these ideas...I'll switch my protein shake that day to have instead of for breakfast, I'll have it before I got there...

    I'm curious how that wine & seltzer would tastes...Uhmmm. Well, can't go wrong w/
    Thanks y'all!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Rather than sacrificing "holiday alcohol, Christmas cookies, and holiday parties", why not start practicing portion control instead? You don't have to ditch all the treats, just don't grab a plate piled high to the sky with all the cheesy, sweet, buttery stuff - take a small portion of the things you really like, drink a big glass of water in between small cups of the boozy stuff, and don't say anything to anybody about "dieting" or trying to cut back. :tongue: If people see you eating and drinking, even in small portions, they'll be far less likely to say anything - they'll just see you enjoying yourself.

    Plus, it's good to practice these good habits, habits you want to develop for life, because you're not going to ditch all the goodies forever, are ya? :bigsmile: Good luck!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Agree with above comment that people like to talk about themselves, so just change the subject to them. Also about not mentioning your weight loss plans because that will just draw too much attention to your behavior at the party as well as in the future. And finally, you can always just tell people that you're feeling a bit under the weather if they notice that you're not eating or drinking much. (And I totally get not wanting people to think you're pregnant because that would start a whole separate irritating conversation, but so what if they quietly speculate to/among themselves? They'll realize it's not true soon enough.) I've kind of learned that people don't say/notice a whole lot as long as I don't draw attention to myself.
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    I agree with drinking wine instead. If wine isn't your thing, you might try vodka mixed with light cranberry/sprite.

    Food: I recommend a few things. 1. I would eat a small meal before the big dinner/lunch. Have something light and reasonable. Be okay with still feeling "hungry" after that meal/snack. 2. When you're there, eat things that are protein rich, and avoid the creamy/cheesy things. Avoid the carbs. If you do end up having some, get a couple spoonfuls of the things you "have" to have. This way you still get a bite, but you aren't eating a whole plate. 3. Dessert. I would eat a sliver of the thing you like and eat fruit if it's offered. Better yet, have another drink.

    Be okay with going over for this one meal. Don't beat yourself up. Don't take home any left overs. If someone asks why you aren't eating your favorite ___ or why you aren't drinking the special eggnog, explain to them that you aren't in the mood for those foods. These foods/drinks you got are what you're hungry for. The day after starts a new day, so get back on track the next day. :)
  • chantalscott1
    chantalscott1 Posts: 25 Member
    Rather than sacrificing "holiday alcohol, Christmas cookies, and holiday parties", why not start practicing portion control instead? You don't have to ditch all the treats, just don't grab a plate piled high to the sky with all the cheesy, sweet, buttery stuff - take a small portion of the things you really like, drink a big glass of water in between small cups of the boozy stuff, and don't say anything to anybody about "dieting" or trying to cut back. :tongue: If people see you eating and drinking, even in small portions, they'll be far less likely to say anything - they'll just see you enjoying yourself.

    Plus, it's good to practice these good habits, habits you want to develop for life, because you're not going to ditch all the goodies forever, are ya? :bigsmile: Good luck!

    This! Loosing weight doesn't equal restriction. Find a balance and enjoy yourself :)
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    White wine with diet ginger ale is nice to sip on. If you don't like seller. Good tips...I would exercise good choice and portion control.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    At the risk of sounding harsh, I think you need to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. If people try to lecture, pick on, question, berate you...make an assertive firm statement for yourself. "I don't want to talk about my weight/dietary habits" and leave it at that. You might say, "ooh but it's not that simple, you don't know my family..." Yes, it is that simple. You have to make it that way, though. You can't go there whining about your weight or talking nonstop about your goals or analyzing others' food...and then expect understanding and a peaceful enjoyable time.

    As for indulging in the food...I for one totally disagree with the advice of eating before you go. I would take a more systematic approach. If there's a veggie tray or other healthy, light dish(es) then make that the core of your meal. If they don't serve anything remotely healthy then bring something along those lines yourself, to contribute to the meal. Then choose 1-2 things that look absolutely delicious or your longtime favorites, and have a small portion of those and savor them. It should not blow your daily calories to do that.

    Do make an effort to focus on time spent rather than the food. Even if others are focusing 99% on the food. Obviously these people are important to you in some way/level so make that the focus of the time you spend.

    If none of the above works, and they are messing with you or it's not fun, you can always wish them a Happy Holiday and walk out the door early.
  • RicaJamie
    I see a few options for you.

    1. If it is a walk around and eat appetizers party, find the smallest plate possible, and get one or two of everything you like.
    2. Get a drink in hand it is hard to eat and drink while standing!
    3. Look at your food options and see what you HAVE to HAVE and eat it.
    4. Indulge, log, and move on! If it's only one party this year, you'll be presently surprised on how little the calories add up!
    5. Let people know you are working towards a less consumption night - honesty has worked for me in the past! I had a friend ask me why I only ate one piece of pizza when we went out last weekend - I explained - he wished me luck!