anyone ever changed their career?

Hi guys

I was wondering if anyone has ever changed their career path?

I am currently contemplating this and wondered what experiences people have had by doing this, what they would do differently and any advice they have.

Many thanks in advance :)


  • just_Jennie1

    I quit my job a few years ago and now I control a few businesses and have another one that I am going to be starting up in the very near future. I am also the office manager for my husbands company.

    What I would have done differently is quit earlier LOL.

    Honestly if it's something that you think is going to be a good decision then there's no reason NOT to pursue it.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Hi guys

    I was wondering if anyone has ever changed their career path?

    I am currently contemplating this and wondered what experiences people have had by doing this, what they would do differently and any advice they have.

    Many thanks in advance :)

    Yes. At the start of this year I walked out on 10+ years in the private legal industry. Although it paid well and there were some great luxury perks, the last couple of years I was disillusioned with the whole situation - I was spending 12 hours a day in the office and the working culture was making me unhappy.

    About a month later I got a role working in public healthcare - a short contract as a 'taster'/foot in the door. I figured I could always go back to legal if I didn't like it.

    The surroundings are far less glamorous and there are no luxury trips, fancy lunches or expensive presents as perks but I get to work part time, I meet an amazing range of different cultures, the people are so friendly and happy and I get to feel like I am making a positive difference in the world.

    I earn about 1/3rd less than I used to so that is something to take into consideration.
    I had made sure I had a few months worth of savings to live off while I got myself sorted.
    After 14 weeks when the contract I was doing ended, knew I didn't want to go back to the legal industry. So I applied for a permanent role which I got!

    The legal industry took me to some amazing places and I saw some great things, but what I am doing now allows me to enjoy my home life so much more and that is something all the money I was earning previously couldn't buy. I also lost a bit of weight due to the lack of networking over those fancy lunches & dinners!
  • StaceyLittleHippo
    I have had quite a few jobs over the last few years. Lol!
    I studied travel and tourism at college then went on to work in different travel companies. It took me a few years to realise it was under paid, boring and there are no perks to the job as well as getting sick of all the targets and hard sell that management expect from you lol!

    I then moved to business travel which wasn't too bad but then I got bored.

    I then worked as a supervisor in foreign currency - hated it lol.

    Then moved into the funeral industry - absolutely loved it, so rewarding and interesting. I was assisting with dressing the deceased, preparing the coffins, bearing on funerals, driving on funerals as well as mortuary pick ups and home pick ups when people passed away but unfortunately I lost my job so started working at my friends cafe part time while I looked for a new job.

    Now I am a support worker/private Carer for the elderly and I have really enjoyed it so far.

    I say if you are willing to go for a new career then give it a try. We spend a lot of time at work so I feel it's important that you find something you enjoy. I was miserable for far too long before finding something I enjoy xx
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have changed a couple of times. For me, most of the moves have been lateral though...for example, retail manager to mid level supervisor in a social services agency to quality assurance to administrative/HR responsibilities. Nothing really drastically different, just different positions and types of businesses or organizations.

    I find the differences lie more in the specific employers, than anything else. For me the day to day duties and leadership make a huge impact on my job satisfaction. I rarely look at the salary rate but have a lot more interest in the culture. I could go out and find a job making twice my current salary and be miserable. I like being happy!
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    Yeah i have trained as a nurse, worked in nursery's or as personal carers. Got sick to death of it and now i work in retail and i love it :)
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Some really encouraging posts on here, how people have switched careers and in some cases multiple times.

    I got some real thinking to do and questions to ask whether I want to switch and if so make a plan so I can switch!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    I worked 10 years for IBM as a computer technician, I was laid off, long story short 18 months later I found a job as an office services coordinator. Basically I order supplies for the office, best job I have ever had...i changed because i couldn't find a descent paying job in my field, not really by choice but it worked out for me.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I was a cop and became an accountant! True story!
  • minuz5
    minuz5 Posts: 256 Member
    Some really encouraging posts on here, how people have switched careers and in some cases multiple times.

    I got some real thinking to do and questions to ask whether I want to switch and if so make a plan so I can switch!

    So why do you want to change career? What do you do if you don't mind me asking.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    I was a cop and became an accountant! True story!

    Its funny i currently work in the accounts field and i am part qualified.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Some really encouraging posts on here, how people have switched careers and in some cases multiple times.

    I got some real thinking to do and questions to ask whether I want to switch and if so make a plan so I can switch!

    So why do you want to change career? What do you do if you don't mind me asking.

    1. No hunger for the accounts game, I have no goals in it or any serious interest in the game, unless i want to be a dead end clerk for the rest of my life.
    2. I asked myself two questions last week, do i want to do it? & do i need to do it? answers to both were No. But that might be to do with my current dead end job.
    3. I seem to be good with people regarding training and bringing them along in the workplace. I feel maybe that skill would suit me more in a consultancy type field such as personal training or being a nutritionist.
    4. I have been in the Accounts game for 7 years now and really got no where, my fire is well and truly out for the game.

    There are some online resources such as national careers advice where they ask questions about your current career, maybe i have missed something or looked at it in the wrong way.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yep. I was a nurse for eight years when I decided it was time for a change. I hated what I was doing, I hated going to work, and I was miserable. I now work in IT for the hospital system. More money and better hours. Best thing I ever did.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Yep. I was a nurse for eight years when I decided it was time for a change. I hated what I was doing, I hated going to work, and I was miserable. I now work in IT for the hospital system. More money and better hours. Best thing I ever did.

    Did you have to retrain and how long did it take?
  • bbubb1
    bbubb1 Posts: 63 Member
    I worked retail for 30 years at 3 different places and 2 years ago I got very sick with my asthma and my boss at my current retail job cut my hours so bad I couldn't afford to live!!!! And because I spent so much time in the hospital I got very interested in what the housekeepers were doing. I took a part time job at the hospital as a housekeeper and worked about 33 hours at my retail job for about 6 months. I was given an opportunity to get Full-time at the hospital so I quit the retail job. I love what I do now and it was the best thing that happened to me. I kinda wish I had done it sooner. It all depends on what you want to do!!! Best of luck in your future plans.
    Barb :happy:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Yep. I was a nurse for eight years when I decided it was time for a change. I hated what I was doing, I hated going to work, and I was miserable. I now work in IT for the hospital system. More money and better hours. Best thing I ever did.

    Did you have to retrain and how long did it take?

    I had to go to out of state training to learn the software. That took 3 (separate) weeks. Then I had to learn how my facility was using it; that took another several months. I'm not gonna lie; there were some days I thought "what have I done?" but in the end it was worth it. I think it took a good 8 months before I felt comfortable in my new role.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    In 2002 I walked away from a 24 year career with one company. The stress was appalling, I was well on the way to alcohol dependency and family life was suffering. The realisation it wasn’t sustainable came from a very simple conversation with my wife…
    “If your job was a vacancy would you apply for it? If not, why are you doing it?”

    Although I’m in the same industry I’ve been self-employed for the last ten years and love the variety and freedom of being your own boss. More money for an easier job is a bonus!

    My friend & colleague set the gold standard for career change by resigning to participate in a round the world sailing event, worked on his sailing qualifications and turned a hobby into a job. He is now a sailing instructor and has skippered a boat in a round the world race. He doesn’t earn a fortune but gets paid for doing something he loves.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Yep.. I was working as a Retail Manager. Left that job and went into Medical Software and have not looked back.

    The change in lifestyles not only helped with my stress levels (let me just say that Christmas time is MUCH more enjoyable now), but I see my family more (no more 70+ hour work weeks) and I was able to get healthy (lost 50lbs since leaving that job).

    All in all it was a positive experience. Follow your heart
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Yes I have changed my career three times...reinvented my professional life. So I have been a restaurant manager...that is for the young. I have been a interpreter. I have been a software engineer, a pastor and I am on my fourth career this as cyber security but not that much different from software engineer.

    Why the change:
    1. have a family and restaurant managers do not see their family much.
    2. interpreter, was married and the salary is good for a solo but tougher to make ends meet.
    3. software engineer...US companies exported my job
    4. pastor...fishbowl life style and I really am a private person.

    What would I do differently?

    I took time to find an entry level position each time and worked my way up. I think I would spend a little more time gaining the professional education. I constantly played catch up.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Follow your heart, but be smart. If you are miserable and the fire has gone out, you probably need to move on. However, don't dump the old without having a plan or you might starve! Do your research, save some money, and in the mean time, check with your boss to see if there is anything you can do to change your current position to make it more meaningful ( a project maybe). I used to be in HR and I loved it, but now I work with seniors at the YMCA and I love that, too. It's a lot less stressful now, but I also make WAAAAY less money. Luckily, I have a very supportive husband. Good luck to you!
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I changed a couple of times. I haev my degree in mass communications but I have never used it. I started out working retail becuase I held a management position and it paid well. Once I had my son, it wasn't worth the hours anymore. I then moved to a management postion for a database company. When I started on the company was only 3 years old. I helped build and expand the research department. I got to travel, made awesome bonuses and really got to build a great team. However, the CEO was a jerk, There were cliques among managers, people were very catty, and there were a lot of glitches in the database starting out. Then they outsourced all of our positions so I stayed home with the kids for a while. Now, I work admin for a cemetery and funeral home. I LOVE it! It doesn't pay great, but my boss is amazing. I adore my coworkers and I have found so much support and love from the people around me. I would take happiness in my job over what I had at the database company any day.