Just wanted to say hello...

carlos83ra Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I started on this web-site a month ago and by far the GREATEST. Currently a Vegetarian working on becoming a Vegan.....Stop by my profile and say hello!


  • aj7841
    aj7841 Posts: 3 Member
    Started this site a week ago and left my old application on the shelf. My family uses this and posting to facebook gives such a sense of community and pride in that i am supported. AJ
  • Yes. I love it..... Everyone is so positive... I've dropped 7lbs that are actually staying off...Wish you the best of luck! :-)
  • Thanks...hoping and working toward a healthy body.
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome! I'm glad you are liking it here! I was vegan for 11 months and I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately I am currently unable to stay on a vegan diet because I am not supplying my own food. I'm in a very difficult situation at the moment. I wish you the best of luck, though! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some encouragement! :)
  • Yeah...I know what you mean! I was just eating black beans and veggies for awhile...lol but now that I see the weight coming off it's making it easier to stick to a Vegan diet....:-)
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