Really Hungry or Not Hungry...... Help!

emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello :smile:

Interesting dilemma I'm in recently. I'm either really hungry throughout the day or not so much at all.

About a month ago it seemed I was balanced (for months leading up to). I ate all my calories and worked out, ate those too. And I ate about 4-5 small healthy meals a day and loved it.

The past week or two it seems I'm not as hungry. I'm not over eating on the days that I "feel" really hungry....and try to keep that mental idea that I don't want to be completely full. But other days I'm hardly hungry. Like today, I ate breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner is 2 hours way and I'm not even considering dinner and I have 700 calories left!

What happened? I don't want to eat a 700 calorie dinner if I don't want to eat it all at once. (Usually my dinners are around 400-500). Should I try to "beef-up" (no pun intended) my dinner and eat things that are low in quantity and higher in calories like pasta?

Just so confused lately. Thanks for any guidance :smile:


  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    For me when I am REALLY hungry I drink a glass of water and that gets me through...USUALLY. As far as meals I try to eat foods that are a little more filling, like chicken, black beans and rice, almonds etc. I always had an issue where when I ate too many carbs like pasta or bread or even the rice...I would be hungry sooner...I think that the protein will fill you up longer and also eating slower helps as well. GOOD LUCK
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i had this same problem!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Patio1313 is right on in terms of knowing that protein will keep you full longer. Be sure you're eating healthy complex carbs too (shoot for things that haven't been processed or "improved" over their natural form).

    And when you're "hungry" next time, think about this. I use this for my clients and myself and it can be very helpful. Question: Are you hungry for anything (everything sounds good) OR are you hungry for something in particular (you want something specific and wouldn't be too interested if you were offered something different/much more healthful)? If your answer is the first (anything will do ... I'm hungry!) then you're physically hungry and should eat something healthful and delicious! If your answer is the second, then you're "hunger" is emotion-based and you'd be best to distract yourself with something like exercise, or consume something that is free (or nearly free) of calories (e.g., a hot cup of tea, a big glass of water, etc.).

    Asking yourself that question when you're "hungry" can really be a lifesaver! :) Give it a go and see how that works for you.

  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    And when you're "hungry" next time, think about this. I use this for my clients and myself and it can be very helpful. Question: Are you hungry for anything (everything sounds good) OR are you hungry for something in particular (you want something specific and wouldn't be too interested if you were offered something different/much more healthful)? If your answer is the first (anything will do ... I'm hungry!) then you're physically hungry and should eat something healthful and delicious! If your answer is the second, then you're "hunger" is emotion-based and you'd be best to distract yourself with something like exercise, or consume something that is free (or nearly free) of calories (e.g., a hot cup of tea, a big glass of water, etc.).

    Asking yourself that question when you're "hungry" can really be a lifesaver! :) Give it a go and see how that works for you.


    Preach on TrainerRobin...I never thought of the asking if I was hungry or craving...Good idea...Thanks
  • qwho
    qwho Posts: 157
    Patio1313 is right on in terms of knowing that protein will keep you full longer. Be sure you're eating healthy complex carbs too (shoot for things that haven't been processed or "improved" over their natural form).

    And when you're "hungry" next time, think about this. I use this for my clients and myself and it can be very helpful. Question: Are you hungry for anything (everything sounds good) OR are you hungry for something in particular (you want something specific and wouldn't be too interested if you were offered something different/much more healthful)? If your answer is the first (anything will do ... I'm hungry!) then you're physically hungry and should eat something healthful and delicious! If your answer is the second, then you're "hunger" is emotion-based and you'd be best to distract yourself with something like exercise, or consume something that is free (or nearly free) of calories (e.g., a hot cup of tea, a big glass of water, etc.).

    Asking yourself that question when you're "hungry" can really be a lifesaver! :) Give it a go and see how that works for you.


    I really liked this answer! I recognize times when I am starved and just want food, whatever it is, vs the times when I want a specific thing (and often it is something not healthy like some mini powdered donuts or some chocolate), so I like being able to equate them as real hunger vs emotional hunger, thank you!
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I have the exact same problem and here's my analogy.

    When our kids were growing up they did the same thing. They would go through times when they didn't eat at all and other months you couldn't keep enough food in the house.

    What did you make them do at that time? I think it's good advice for us. Sit down at the table and try to eat something (at our house it's the two bite rule - you have to eat only two bites of everything and then you can be done).

    But my philosophy is to listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs.

    Here's my caution. If you only eat a few calories a day, take a mulit-vitamin, preferably at night before going to bed so your body has time to digest it instead of just passing it in your stool.

    Also, after a day or two your body is going to scream for food. You will be ravished and want to eat everthing. Becareful that those days aren't your undoing (cause in my experience, when I'm hungry I just eat and don't care what it is, make sure it's healthy and not junk. Junk begets junk).

    Listen to your body - bottom line. Don't for yourself when you aren't hungry and eat healthy when you are.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    As for the side when you aren't hungry- I do that a lot as well- esp on my exercise or recovery days after a really long run. I try to stick to my planned out meals and try to get myself something fun but decent for me in drink form to build up my cal intake without feeling stuffed - an Izzy drink or a Ralph and Charlies (Veggies and Fruit drinks).
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    And when you're "hungry" next time, think about this. I use this for my clients and myself and it can be very helpful. Question: Are you hungry for anything (everything sounds good) OR are you hungry for something in particular (you want something specific and wouldn't be too interested if you were offered something different/much more healthful)? If your answer is the first (anything will do ... I'm hungry!) then you're physically hungry and should eat something healthful and delicious! If your answer is the second, then you're "hunger" is emotion-based and you'd be best to distract yourself with something like exercise, or consume something that is free (or nearly free) of calories (e.g., a hot cup of tea, a big glass of water, etc.).

    Asking yourself that question when you're "hungry" can really be a lifesaver! :) Give it a go and see how that works for you.


    Preach on TrainerRobin...I never thought of the asking if I was hungry or craving...Good idea...Thanks

    I second that. Those are some wise words. Thanks.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks so much for all your input! I will definitely put it too use! :smile:

    I have been under a lot of stress the last few months with family problems, so maybe that has altered my eating habits! I need to really look within and make better choices. Your advice has really shed some light. :glasses:

    Thanks again! :smile:
  • best1
    best1 Posts: 2
    I have noticed the same thing and I have found that how hungry I feel is not related to the total calories i consume, but the type of calories.

    - If I eat low carb/high protein and do a long, low-intensity exercise (fat burn level), I do not get hungry during the day,.

    - When I eat high carb/low fat/low protein diet and do the high intensity (cardio level) workout, I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME, even though I consume the same total calories and burn the same total calories.

    I recommend that you do not limit your calorie intake to less than 1000 per day, even on days when you are not hungry. It is not healthy and will backfire on you in the long run.
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