Recovery, weight/muscle gain, and bdy fat %?

HI! My name's Emily and I'm a 19 year old recovering anorexic. I eat arouund 1900-2200 calories each day(I have a meal plan so I don't count my cals). I also lift 2-4 times a week with a cardio around 6 times a week. (Maybe an average 300 cal burn per day).
I just calculated my body fat percentage to be 17.6%. I'm 5ft6in and I weigh 119-121 lbs.
I am in crew at my college. (rowing)
Now I dont have my period anymore(havent for a long time.)
So How much more weight do I need to put on? I've been hovering around this weight for a while but I don't know what is my healthiest. I have energy and I can concentrate.
The mental stuff can only be helped with therapy. But I need confirmation I'm still doing the right thing. I need others to say that my journey isn't over... or is it?
Am I done? Should I maintain now?


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    not sure about the period thing.

    also not entirely sure what your question is.

    The calories seem appropriate for your size and activity... seems like you are doing well. I guess you need to put some more weight on to be healthy tho?
  • starcollapsing
    starcollapsing Posts: 57 Member
    have you spoken to your dr/dietician? It might be that your body fat % and/or weight are too low and you are doing too much exercise. You might not be eating enough fats. But best to talk to an ED dietician about it!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I would quit the cardio, and maybe lessen the rowing and/or weight training.

    Do you know what your macros are? It will perhaps take a long time for your body to start working normally again, and eating enough fats and carbs i have heard may be the key. What types of foods do you eat?
  • MJC360
    MJC360 Posts: 368
    I would consult a doctor first to be sure but in my opion you sound very healthy.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    Athletes can carry a healthy amount of body fat. Performance suffers when body fat is too low.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Congratulations on your awesome progress!

    Can you cut down on your cardio? Your period will return once your body fat levels have increased to a level that is healthy for your body.

    Your calories are still a bit low for your age and all the activity you do. Perhaps add in some peanut or other nut butters to get some nice dense nutritious calories?

    Do you have a team you could ask this question of?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    Ignore. Ignorant advice.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I think I read somewhere that women usually stop having periods when they drop below 18% body fat, but I think it's best to consult a Dr who should be able to advise you better than us lot on here!

    Congrats on turning your life around, keep at it and Merry Christmas :flowerforyou:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    since you already do crew..if you backed off the cardio from six times a week to sy three that would probably help you put some weight on ...
  • Schonprinzessin
    Schonprinzessin Posts: 15 Member
    Definitely do ask someone who is involved with your recovery. I understand your fear of gaining weight, so it can be easy to just say "Well I've gained xx pounds, I can stop now, right?" So definitely don't leave it up to yourself. :P

    Good luck! Stay beautiful <3
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    I would say that 17-18% is actually pretty lean.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    I would say that 17-18% is actually pretty lean.

    i thought for woman sub 15% was considered low..???
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    I would say that 17-18% is actually pretty lean.

    i thought for woman sub 15% was considered low..???
    Sub 15% is getting close to the danger zone for a woman, I believe that's equivalent to a guy at 2-3%. Ok for competition day, but not really where you live day to day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    I would say that 17-18% is actually pretty lean.

    i thought for woman sub 15% was considered low..???
    Sub 15% is getting close to the danger zone for a woman, I believe that's equivalent to a guy at 2-3%. Ok for competition day, but not really where you live day to day.

    well damn..I was way off on that one!
  • kristineevans12
    I had lost my period at 20% through over exercising not eating enough and not eating nearly enough fat, I think if your treatment team are ok with your weight try and change your macros and eat a bit more fat. Speak to them though as they designed your meal plan, it maybe you never get your Tom back due to the damage caused by the anorexia depending on severity and length of illness hopefully the damage will be reversible, took me a good 6 months of "normal" eating to get mine back so give it time x
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Not getting your period is common for college athletes (part of the "Female Athlete Triad") but I would definitely talk with your doctor, especially if you are in recovery for an ED. Is your weight staying stable at this level? It seems like you would be in a deficit if you trained for several hours per day.
    Re body fat %: It does not matter if everyone is arguing about what is low or not low. The point is you're not getting your period, so something is wrong. Find out what it is.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ugh. There you go again. The only bashing of that textbook is what you've invented in your head. It's not our fault that you only know how to copy and paste from a book, and don't have the comprehension level to take the (very general and basic) knowledge from a textbook and mix it with more current, specific information. Text books are designed to offer a very general, basic level of knowledge. No scientist of any kind will EVER refer to a textbook and only a textbook to support an argument because they just aren't specific enough to cover all information.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    normal 20-25 percent

    Guyton and Hall textbook of Medical Physiology.

    The gold standard for physiology- though I know a vocal element on this forum disagrees.

    bahahahaha ..this guy again ….
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Christ, talk to a Doctor and not a dietitian.

    Your percent body fat is low for a female, but that is the price you pay for being a college athlete.

    18% is low for a female??

    I would say that 17-18% is actually pretty lean.

    i thought for woman sub 15% was considered low..???

    Yeah, when I was younger, I lost my menses only when I dropped below 15%.