Aussie girl wanting to say hi!

Hi all,

My names Cassandra and I'm 22 years old and from rural New South Wales in Australia. I've been overweight my whole life and was even over 200kg (440lbs) at one stage. It's amazing to think of that.

I had lap band surgery 2 years ago - and haven't really lost much weight since. I feel like a failure because of that. The reason why I haven't lost weight is because I've been very unmotivated and quite depressed. I eat when I'm emotional and so I ended up just turning to chocolate and chips at the end of each day.

A few weeks ago I just got fed up with letting myself go. I'm currently weighing in at 173kg (380lbs). I'm so annoyed at myself because I've jumped between 168kg - 175kg for months. The amount of times I've lost and gained that 7kg. I could be 50kg lighter by now. But things are going to turn around from now. I want to be a better verrsion of myself.

I lost 2 kg this last week by going to the gym. My sister introduced me to this site and now I'm hooked. I'm amazed at how many calories are in some things. Because of the lap band surgery I thought I was very aware of calories - but it turns out I'm not as in tune as I should be.

I get so embarrased by how much I weigh but I figured if I put it out there in writing then I'll be more determined to make that number come down.

The main reasons for me wanting to lose weight are that I want to be healthy. I want to be able to buy clothes from anywhere in the store, not just the plus sized section (which in my town is at one store and mainly has clothes designed for women in their 60's - nothing for a 22 yr old). I want to wear jeans. I've never owned a pair of jeans. I also want to find love. I'm 22 and never had a boyfriend. My whole life I've wanted to find that special someone, and I think my weight has been holding me back. I want the confidence to go up to a guy I like and ask him out. I feel like I'm not allowed to do that at my size. Like I don't have the right.

Anyway, thanks for listening. I'm sorry to go on so much. I just couldn't stop writing.

I hope to see you all about.

- Cassandra


  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Hello from over here in New Zealand! :flowerforyou:

    Good for you for being so honest. I think it's great that you want to continue on your healthy lifestyle and do it for yourself! I wish you the best of luck on your journey! :heart:
  • sassy_2280
    Hi from Louisiana! I'm new to this site as well. Just joined last week. I was surprised at how the things I thought were healthy were really not! Feel free to send me a friend request. We can be great motivators for each other on this long journey. :happy:
  • vmryan
    Hi, from Arizona USA welcome abored Cassandra We'er here for you.
  • skylersnanna
    Hi welcome, Im another Aussie Im from melbourne but I live in Canada with my husband, you will love this site it is a massive source of support and information :happy:
  • kizzy67
    kizzy67 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi from BC, Canada;) I just joined MFP one week ago and absolutely love it. Lost 2lbs the first week, and havent found that Im starving. Theres alot of support and motivation on this site, that Im sure you will have much success.
  • TheresaClare
    Hi Cassandra. I m from Brisbane. I m 55 yrs old. I weigh 90kgs ( 198lbs ) and 5"2' short!!. My 2 daughters and myself have just joined up as well. My weight problem also comes from being an emotional eater. I eat when I m sad, angry, happy, etc, etc. This all started way back when I was little and it has been a big battle to over come. Having 4 TIA strokes ( warning strokes ) made me realize that I had to take control of my eating problem. So here I m, joined up with myfitnesspal. It took courage on your part for you to go on the net and express your feelings and I m sure, that same courage will help you on your journey for a healthier and fitter life. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. :smile:
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    Hello Cassandra. I love your name. Was in Australia last year and had a blast and would love to go back. You'll find a lot of support here and I really hope the website helps. I really enjoy going to the success stories area to read about some of the amazing things people have accomplished here. Good luck to you.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Cassandra. Another Aussie here, I'm from Melbourne :smile:
    This is a great site, I have had good success so far, still have a long way to go but it has really helped me. I have joined a few challenges and just the support from the great people on here has helped me stay on track. Good luck with everything.
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Cassandra, welcome. This site will help you lose whatever weight you want. I recommend to all newcomers that they add as many people as possible as friends. This way others can see your progress and send you support and motivation. You can add me as a friend if you would like.
  • PrincessPudgy
    Thanks everyone :) I appreciate the support and the friend requests! I look forward to getting on a healthier path with you all!
  • lawrahmck
    Hey from Adelaide!

    This site is great for support, good luck on your goals :)
  • _Misanthropic_
    i think i know you =p
  • PrincessPudgy
    i think i know you =p

    Haha. Thanks sis! I'd have thought after being sisters our whole lives you'd have known who I was! :p