Nov. 8, 2010 - My First Day!

Hello! I just discovered this app on my iphone and I love it. Best part- it was free! I just discovered the site as well. I logged in all of my food and exercise and managed to stay under my caloric intake by 9 calories. I know I probably always go over. I hope this tool and site help me to realize just how much I'm eating and make better choices. I just bought the Jillian MIchaels' 30-Day Shred DVD and hope to be consistent. I am a mom to a 3-year-old. Would love to make new friends on here to encourage.


  • Harris_C
    Harris_C Posts: 51 Member
    Today was my first day of "changes". I bought the 30 Day Shred about a month ago, but still haven't opened it.....
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I love this site so much. It's a great tool to help you along the way. I'm always looking for new friends to share support so feel free to add me! :)
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    It's never too late to become fit! Congrats on making your changes, charris!
  • johniakay
    Just started today as well. You may add me as a friend. I need encouragement as well
  • bittersweet1989
    Welcome! I just joined this site a few days ago...and already I'm addicted! :) Hope it helps you on your journey!!
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    I can definitely see why this site is so addicting. I'm so glad I found it! I was on myspace (first time in forever!) and saw where a girl had a ticker from this site on her page. I decided to check it out. Then I found the app for my phone. I actually stayed under my calorie goal by 8 calories! I am excited about starting my weight loss journey. I don't have that much to lose, but I haven't been able to get rid of these last 11-13 lbs for YEARS!!
  • pinky1988
    My mother and I just started today as well! I too discovered this via the iPhone. Wish you best :)
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    Thanks, Pinky! Good luck to you too on your journey! I just added you.
  • rynsmom0911
    Today is my first day as well. So far so good for me, hope so for you too! Feel free to share words of wisdom, encouragement, or just want to vent, as I will as well. Congrats, keep up the good work.
  • momtodeshawn
    momtodeshawn Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I'm still pretty new and would love to have some friends. :smile:
  • janamuma
    Good luck!!! I am happy to provide encouragement (I need it too!!). Being a mom sure makes it tougher on us. Eating right is the easy part for me. Making my self exercise seems to be the harder part for me.
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    Tonight I"m going to try to add all of you to my friends. I'm at work (on lunch) and I forget how to do it right now!

    Janamuma-I agree- I definitely find it easier to cut down on bad foods and not overeat (most of the time!) but finding time to exercise is sooo hard! I did a WInsor Pilates ab video the other day and my daughter (who's 3) joined in! It was sooo funny!
  • Harris_C
    Harris_C Posts: 51 Member
    Would you be interested in doing the Shred together? I need someone to hold me accountable!
  • eyeballer
    Yesterday was my first day too. I just got a new iphone last Friday and found the app as well. Good luck! Here's to all of us succeeding!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    welcome to all the will love this site immediately and find it is a wealth of support and information...good luck on your journeys....