
Hey Everybody! So about a week ago I decided to try to lose weight again (like the 300th time in the last 3 years) but my friend showed me this site and now I am committed like I have never been before. I love how I can watch my food on here and I love all the forum boards and success stories. It really motivates me. I've been eating healthy for like a week now (Never done that before! I usually make it around day 1.5 till I break down). No longer do I boot up my computer and go straight to facebook. LOL! MFP is my homepage now! I get so excited to log my exercises and my food and read the forum posts. I can honestly say I no longer crave Big Macs, and its not just cause I dred having to go on here and log a 600 calorie behemoth of a burger. I forgot how much i actually like bananas and apples. I know my calories look low, but everytime I'm hungy, I eat till I'm full, I'm just much more mindful (and willing!) to make healthier eating choices. My outlook on weight loss is infinitely times better than every other weight loss attempt combined, all thanks to MFP and the amazing community here.

P.S. I made my daily food intake public so Y'all can look at it and make comments. I'm not even gonna pretend that I know anything related to Nutrition, so any and all comments are welcome and appreciated.

Thank You All!


  • katoka97
    katoka97 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to MFP, great introduction...
    the most important thing is being honest with yourself...
    add friends for support,...everybody is amazingly supportive
    good luck and enjoy your journey...

    if you want, you can friend request me :)
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Hi Derek!

    Nice to meet you! I hear ya on the Facebook to MFP switch- same here! I'm on MFP a lot more than FB these days, but I have them linked, so that my progress gets posted over there as well. I think having a site available, such as MFP makes all the difference. I know I've been on this journey numerous times, but the couple of times that I get back into the habit of just logging what I eat, I see the most results. I also know that the more results I see, the more my body will draw me to even healthier foods. Rightn now, I'm in the in-between. I still enjoy the occassional "not-good-for-you" snack, but I've eliminated the other things that usually accompany those snacks (sodas, sweet tea, and more snacks) and keep to my calorie goals.

    I wish you all the best here in MFP!!!
  • annaruiz
    annaruiz Posts: 29 Member
    hola! im new today too and i love this site too. it is my new "facebook" (to be honest i didnt really like facebook to begin with, i just like to look at it when im bored, but ive been addicted to this site all day! and its good for me because i get too see all of the success stories and am motivated so much more now! good luck to you!
  • weenie1
    weenie1 Posts: 2 Member
    hello all - I have just started on this journey of healthy eating and exercise. I have been on a diet for all my life (it seems) but with no luck at all. Must have tried all diets known to man and woman. Maybe by keeping a journal of all I put in my mouth may be the answer. Hope this is the magic I am looking for any help would be appreciated
  • prtybme
    prtybme Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all,
    I've been tracking my food intake and exercise for two days now on my Ipod.
    Today I logged online to find these incredible forums, I've been dieting on and off
    since I was in high school. I decided at 30, it's time to get my health in check.
    I'm looking forward to losing weight with you good people and keeping it off.