Any success stories with the 17 day diet plan?



  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Check it out:
    I don't know the details but judging from what some posters are saying, it sounds like a "Eat really healthy and clean for 17 days" kind of thing. But if you're planning to go back to your old crappy way of eating, then don't bother with this. You will gain it all back and then some, once you stop eating healthy.
    Personally, if a "diet" isn't about health first, then approach it with caution.
    Why not just learn to eat healthy (i.e., nutritiously) and stick with it the rest of your life?
    Health is the most important thing; a healthy weight is only part of it.
  • I know this reply is wayyy later than when you posted this lol but I have a great 17 day diet sucess story. My mother introduced me to this book August of this year *2013*. We started the middde of August. I followed the book EXACTLY! I did everything that was instructed and everything he speaks about feeling as a result of following this diet was EXACTLY what happened to me! By the time I made it to the 4th cycled I had lost 35 pounds! Then I lost another 12 pounds during the 4th cycle which was the phase learning how to maintain your weight! I did not excercise AT ALL during all of this weight loss. It is nowDecember 25th 2013 (Merry Christmas) and I am not tempted to go crazy on holiday food! I have decided to apply this 17 day diet book to my life FOREVER! I do not see it as a diet, but a way of life. The good thing about this book is it doesn't just leave you like "yeah eat chicken, fish and vegetables, lose weight, and good luck!" lol NO it reintroduces all types off foods through each cycle! It helps you to take healthier approches to carbs and fat. Basically if you stick to it (if eating poorly was your weight issue) instead of eating ALOT of fat food and a little bit of healthy food, you will learn to eat ALOT of healthy food and a little bit of fatty food! AWSOME BOOK! I highly recommend it. Now that I have dropped most of the weight, I am now strength training two-three times a week! YASS! Get this book!
  • Its actually 68 days! Its four cycles of 17 and it DOES teach you how to eat a healthier way! It doesn't leave you high and dry. You slowly incorperate more foods each cycle (being reintroduced to carbs, but in a healthy way) Its not written to leave you out in the cold after losing weight! But like you said, even with that a person has to DECIDE that living a healthier lifestyle is what they want to do forever! And this book is great start! It touches on what to do during holidays, menstral cycles, how to dine out, and so much more!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    In April of this year I got a job working with 3 women who were doing this diet. They were all overweight but two were obese, the third simply overweight. They were losing like 7 lb per week on the diet. They were miserable witches but I have no idea if it was all because of the diet ;-) I doubt it. Anyway...I quit that job at the beginning of July, while they were still doing 17 day cycles and losing like crazy.

    I have seen all three of them recently (in the past month) and all THREE of them are heavier than they were in July. Like way heavier.

    Obviously I have no idea about how much they adhered to this diet, which frankly sounded pretty crazy to me at the time with so many foods eliminated from one's diet (even if temporarily).

    Meanwhile they all thought I was "crazy" for using MFP and counting calories because they thought it A) didn't work, period or B) didn't work fast enough. I have gone from a size 22 in April to a size 16 right now. Sometimes size 14. So I'll stick with MFP.

    One word of caution...while I see several others here seem to be using MFP in conjunction with the 17 day diet, one of those former coworkers claimed the two do not work together as she was logging her 17 day diet foods and MFP said she should be gaining weight or losing much more slowly than she was. So FWIW you might expect some discrepancies there if you do that diet.
  • I did the same thing 2 years ago. I should have never stopped because this plan really works. I have started again and feel so much better!
  • ShellyB711
    ShellyB711 Posts: 1 Member
    I did the first two cycles of the 17 Day Diet last spring and lost 20lbs. I agree with what so many of already said here... if you go back to your old ways (and I did this Fall) you WILL gain your weight back. Why? Not because of this plan... but because you are making bad choices again. For the naysayers that say "I don't know anything about it, but it sounds like a gimic." I have to urge you to reserve your opinion if you don't know anything about it until you've tried it, because 1. it shouldn't be called a "diet." It should be called a life plan for learning to eat correctly. 2. It absolutely is about making the right "healthy" choices 3. It absolutely works, when nothing else had worked for me, and I shouldn't have needed a book to learn how to do this. I am jumping back into this book again to take the 8 pounds I gained back off again (100% my fault for eating crap that I knew I shouldn't be eating and neither should you) because I know this works and I know it's a healthy way to live. There are no special products you need to buy, just good healthy food. You will be so proud of your shopping cart and there won't be anything "diet" about what's in it.

    I also want to add that I use MFP alongside of this diet very well. I use it just so I can see the nutrients I'm consuming and be accountable to myself and my friends so I don't get lazy. You will still lose even if your calorie count is off because you're not eating the kinds of foods that cause your body to store fat (i.e., dead carbs with no nutrients).

    I promise that if you apply this book to your life with no cheating, you WILL see weight loss, you will feel good, you will see healing in your body. I had been plateaud and nothing was moving my weight until I found this book and I really feel I owe so much to the Doctor that wrote this book for giving me the tools to take back my health.

    Goodbye back and joint pain, goodbye heartburn, goodbye sleepness nights, thank you Dr. Moreno for writing this book.

    Not kidding... this book is the answer... and everyone of us need to know this stuff well.
  • pojo30
    pojo30 Posts: 62
    It's a great book! It is not a diet, it really is a life style change. When I stopped, I gained the weight back. I ended up going back to the plan and lost the weight again and have kept it off. However, the second time, I started using Advocare products with it and was more successful. I would recommend it!
  • Safiyandi
    Safiyandi Posts: 151
    Folks don't gain the weight back because they return to "unclean" eating - they regain the weight because it is simply not possible for a human body to oxidize 20lbs of fat in 17 days - except under morbid obesity. That 20lb weight loss is mostly lean - muscle and water.
  • turleyd23
    turleyd23 Posts: 3 Member
    The 17 Day Diet is the name of the book because the 4 cycles are 17 days long each. You can repeat the cycles 1-3 until goal weight is reached and then you use cycle 4 to maintain. The OP never said she lost the whole 20 pounds in 17 days. You shouldn't comment if you haven't read it.
  • Me! Did this diet about 2 years ago and lost 12 lbs on it. Kept it off, and then some. I wouldn't necessarily call it a diet either; it's a healthy way of eating. It changed the way I eat.
  • This plan is great so far! I have lost 7 pounds in the first 6 days and I feel great. I wonder when my progress will slow down, but enjoying it currently. It definitely is a lifestyle change and not a real diet since you can incorporate foods back in slowly throughout.
  • I've done this diet before, as well as the South Beach diet, Fast Diet, even "7 day quick weight off Oriental diet"! This is the one I go back to because it's the simplest, I know I'll lose a lot of weight in the beginning, and that motivates me to stick with it. I know losing a pound a day is not sustainable, but eventually you will begin to lose fat if you stick with this. The initial weight loss makes you feel a lot better, not bloated, and energizes you to continue. As others have said, it has 4 7-day cycles, which gradually get you to eating a normal, maintenance-type of diet. You can gain the weight back easily after any diet if you start eating too much junk. I don't think rapid weight loss in the beginning makes you gain weight back faster, unless you only had the equivalent of that water weight to lose. Anyway, I've lost 7 pounds so far and am really excited!
  • I am really excited to say this really worked for my daughter she lost 27 lb in 4 months, so that motivated me to start . So far I have lost 7 lb in less than a week
  • kelkin1111
    kelkin1111 Posts: 6 Member
    I have started this diet 3 days ago. I am a nurse, and a couple Dr's I work with had success on it, so I am trying it. The first day I had a headache and was a witch. I was also soooo freaking hungry. I am using MFP in conjunction with the diet, and limiting my calories to 1200 a day. This is only for a very short time while I am detoxing off the sugar, and detoxfying my body. ( the first 17 days).I am eating so many veggies and lean protiens, so even though 1200 doesn't seem like a lot- after being on it for 3 days my body is adjusting and not being hungry. I was living off fast food and drinking way too much. I am excited!!!!!!!!!!! I will update this after the 17 days is over.
  • lore2810
    lore2810 Posts: 57 Member
    My husband and I did one cycle of the 17 day diet in 2012.
    I lost 16lbs in 17 days and he lost 26lbs in 17 days.

    I personally found cutting sugar out the hardest for me since I am a sugar addict.
    But after a week we both felt great! More energy, better sleep, flatter bellies.

    We are starting again this month.

    The book is easy to follow with the eating plan and recipes.
  • whatchamacallit2
    whatchamacallit2 Posts: 3 Member
    i have done the 17 day plan 3 times...first time I lost 50 pounds in about three months, I did cheat with butter, some chocolate, and sauces BUT I KEPT up with the Green tea (24 ounces )and water....I did not follow through to say on the Maintence Part, so here I am back at it again....its NOT A works, its budget friendly and easy to follow....getting ready to start again....any one want to join me and we can be accountablity partners?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    i have done the 17 day plan 3 times...first time I lost 50 pounds in about three months, I did cheat with butter, some chocolate, and sauces BUT I KEPT up with the Green tea (24 ounces )and water....I did not follow through to say on the Maintence Part, so here I am back at it again....its NOT A works, its budget friendly and easy to follow....getting ready to start again....any one want to join me and we can be accountablity partners?

    This thread is from 2012...The last post before you was in 2014...

    Maybe start a new thread about this - this one is pretty dead.

  • whatchamacallit2
    whatchamacallit2 Posts: 3 Member
    The 17 plan is SAFE and Works Quickly, the first 17 feel good and they incorperate most of your favorite foods as you go along building your eating plan every 17 days...but YOU NEED TO GET THE BOOK...and just follow the plan, you can mix it up if say one day you don't feel like the breakfast lunch or dinner they are setting up for can go to another day in that cycle and say Yes I want that instead......its the best diet Ive ever been on....can't figure out how to post a picture i guess ill have to sign in under my phone....:)
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    The 17 plan is SAFE and Works Quickly, the first 17 feel good and they incorperate most of your favorite foods as you go along building your eating plan every 17 days...but YOU NEED TO GET THE BOOK...and just follow the plan, you can mix it up if say one day you don't feel like the breakfast lunch or dinner they are setting up for can go to another day in that cycle and say Yes I want that instead......its the best diet Ive ever been on....can't figure out how to post a picture i guess ill have to sign in under my phone....:)

    Quick is not necessarily better. Or good. Or recommended unless you're 400+lbs and have serious life or death concerns.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    I tried. :neutral: