Hi - I'm new :-)

Hi Just found this site this morning....Love it already.

My problem is that I'm always so gung-ho in the beginning but I fall off the wagon.... I need help staying on the wagon!!! LOL


  • nvkatie78
    I am exactly the same way-- that is until I found this site. I can't stay off it. Stay positive!:smile:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Not so new but the same problem. You are gonna LOVE it here. People just keep rooting you on. I may disappear for a few days because of work and time. But I have stuck to the game plan! You can too!
  • Tonya1979
    Welcome to MFP! Hope you stay on track here. Just make sure to log in everyday even if you do not fill out your exercise and food diary everyday. You will do great. Just keep positive thoughts and when you think you are going to fall off the wagon tell us about it and we will steer you in the right direction. :)
  • iheartshae
    iheartshae Posts: 34 Member
    :-) Thanks!!

    Question: How often does everyone weigh in?
  • mfpguy
    mfpguy Posts: 13
    Logging my food has been the seatbelt to keep me on the wagon. It has been a great learning tool and really helped me change the way I eat without ruining mealtime.
  • Tonya1979
    There is a diet toolbar to the left of your page on your home page. It should show a link for your weigh in.
    :-) Thanks!!

    Question: How often does everyone weigh in?
  • nradebe
    nradebe Posts: 18 Member
    I usually do it once a week but thats because I entered a challenge where you have to do weigh in on a particular day, otherwise I did not want to weigh myself (sometimees it can be depressing) but that was before.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936

    You won't be gung-ho everyday, but don't let that make you think you've lost your groove.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • onedreamer
    onedreamer Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined this morning as well. I too start all fired up and lose interest or get discouraged along the way. I am tired of the yo-yo game. I would like to stick with it and make the life style changes I need to make this permanent
  • vmryan
    Hi iheartshae welcome aboard. I;v been on this site for just a little over a mounth. Getting is easy that's just matter of choice. Keeping on track thats is a diffrent ball game. What has help me is this site and logging my food you should do that and if you already are than keep up the good work. But thats a small part of a bigger plane. Here are a couple of tools you can used to help you on your journy.

    1. Define and write out your goal and read it to yourself daily,
    2. Write out your reason why read it daily also.
    ( This will help you to stay foucs)
    3. Educate your self on food and proper diet.
    4. Find some freinds who will share and help you in your mission.
    ( Like join a group or a fittness club but suround yourself with people who have success in this area in wieght management)
    5. And alway mantain a positive mind.

    These are just a couple things that have help me alot. And on wieghting in only do it once a week that way you can see reslts this will help you gian momentum a keep you motivated.

    Wish You Well On Your Journy.